Test Code Test Name
CDIFFGDH - MM MMC C difficile GDH/Toxins A and B by Immunoassay
CDIFFTOXPCR MM MMC C Difficile toxin by amplification - Ordered as add-on to CDIFFGDH or by non-Banner outpatient clinics
#CRP/HS C Reactive Protein High Sensitivity
C1EIF C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Functional
C3 C3 Complement Component
C4 C4 Complement
ALLERGCHOCOLATE Cacao (Chocolate) (F93) IgE (2875X)
Caffeine Caffeine
CALCIT Calcitonin
VITD125 Calcitriol 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D
Calcium, Ionized/ICA - NOCO Calcium, Ionized, Blood
CA - NOCO Calcium, Total, Plasma or Serum
RUCA Calcium, Urine, Random
CALP Calprotectin, Stool
CALR (QNI) Calreticulin (CALR) Mutation Analysis
CA125 - NCMC Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125)
CA153 - NCMC Cancer Antigen 15-3
CA199 Cancer Antigen 19-9
CA27.29 Cancer Antigen 27.29
CAND Candida Antibody, Immunodiffusion (939X)
C CAUR Candida auris Screen Culture
#Candida Swab Candida Surveilance Testing
CBGBT - BFCMC and MMC only Capillary Blood Gas 
CARBAMA - NCMC Carbamazepine (Tegretol®), Total, Plasma or Serum
C CPO Carbepenamase Producing Organism (CPO) Screen Culture
CO2 - NOCO Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Plasma or Serum
CO - NOCO Carbon Monoxide, Blood
CEABF Carcinoembroyonic Antigen, Fluid (CEA)
CEA - NCMC Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
PESOT/Cardio IQ® APOE Genotype Cardio IQ® APOE Genotype
ACARD SC Cardiolipin Antibody Screen (IgG, IgA, & IgM)
ACARD A Cardiolipin Antibody, IgA
ACARD GM Cardiolipin Antibody, IgG and IgM
ALLERGCARELESSWEED Careless Weed (Amaranthus palmeri) IgE
CARFT Carnitine
CARFT/U Carnitine, Free and Total, Urine
CAROT Carotene
TUCAT Catecholamines, Fractionated, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine (39627X)
CATBL Catecholamines, Fractionated, Plasma
C TIP Catheter Tip Culture
# CBFBARUP CBFB::MYH11 inv(16) Detection, Quantitative
CD3 CD3 Panel
ALLERGCELERY Celery (F85) IgE (2860X)
CELIACP Celiac Disease Cascading Panel
CTDFPC Cell Count and Diff, Body Fluids (Pericardial Fluid)
CTDFPL Cell Count and Diff, Body Fluids (Pleural Fluid)
CTDFSY Cell Count and Diff, Body Fluids (Synovial Fluid)
CTDFBF Cell Count and Differential, Body Fluid
Peritoneal Fluid Cell Ct/Diff/CTDFPT - NOCO Cell Count, Peritoneal Fluid
Spinal Fluid Orderset/CTDSF - NOCO Cell Count, Spinal Fluid
CENTRB Centromere B Ab
Cerebrospinal Fluid (PowerPlan) Cerebrospinal Fluid  
CERULO Ceruloplasmin
ALLERGCHICMEAT Chicken Meat (F83), IgE
Chikungunya AB with Reflex Chikungunya Antibodies (IgG, IgM) with Reflex to Titers
CHIKUVIRPCRQL Chikungunya Virus RNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
CHAB Chlamydia and Chlamydophila Antibody Panel 2 (IgM)
CH ONLY AMP - MM MMC Chlamydia trachomatis Amplification, APTIMA®
CT/GC Rectal Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA, Rectal
CT/GC Throat Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA, Throat
TWAR Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Antibody Panel 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM)
CH/GC COMBO AMP - MM MMC Chlamydia/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) Combo Amplification, APTIMA®
C CLAM Chlamydiae Species Culture
CGAM Chlamydophila pneumoniae Antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM)
CPSA Chlamydophila psittaci Antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM)
CHLORPOX Chlordiazepoxide and Metabolites
CLBF Chloride, Body Fluid
CLFE Chloride, Feces
CL - NOCO Chloride, Plasma or Serum
RUCL - NCMC Chloride, Random Urine
CHOLBF - NCMC Cholesterol, Body Fluid
HDL - NOCO Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Plasma or Serum
CHOL - NOCO Cholesterol, Total, Plasma or Serum
CRMTN Chromatin Antibody
CHROM Chromium, Serum
CHROMA LCMS Chromogranin A, LC/MS/MS
CHRO M POC Chromosomal Microarray, POC, ClariSure® Oligo-SNP

Chromosome Analysis

PESOT/Chromosome Analysis, Blood Chromosome Analysis, Blood
PESOT/Chromosome Analysis, Tissue with Reflex to Microarray, ClariSure® Oligo-SNP Chromosome Analysis, POC Tissue with Reflex to Microarray, ClariSure® Oligo-SNP
CG MICARRAYBLD Chromosome Microarray, Congenital, Blood
IGVH Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, IgVH Mutation Status
CPLT Citrated Platelet Count
TUCTAC Citric Acid, 24-Hour Urine (with Creatinine)
CTAC Citric Acid, Serum
ALLERGCHERBARUM Cladosporium herbarum (M2), IgE
CLOBZ SER Clobazam and Metabolite Quantitative Serum
CLOM Clomipramine
CLON Clonazepam
# CLDIFFCYTO Clostridium difficile Cytotoxin Cell Assay
CZNZ Clozapine
PESOT/ #CMVTCELL-VIR CMV inSIGHT™ T Cell Immunity Testing
COBALT Cobalt, Blood
CONFCOCA/Mec - NMS Cocaine & Metabolites Confirmation, Meconium
CCF Cocci Complement Fixation
PESOT/ #COCCIGM AB-MVA Coccidioides Antibody IgG IgM EIA
CCFBF Coccidioides Antibody, Pleural Fluid, Complement Fixation
CCFCSF/S Coccidioides Compliment Fixation CSF
CIMRP MAYO Coccidioides immitis/posadasii, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies
COCCI/CF Coccidioides Panel w/IMDF Confirm and Comp Fix
# COCCI Coccidioides Screen w/IMDF Confirmation
ALLERGCOCKLEBUR Cocklebur (W13) IgE (2413X)
ALLERGCOCKROACH Cockroach (I6) IgE (2736X)
COLDAGG Cold Hemagglutinins
NTx Collagen Cross-Linked N-Telopeptide (NTx), Urine
CTX Collagen Type I C-Telopeptide (CTx)
ALLERGCOMRAGWEED Common (Short) Ragweed (W1) IgE (2401X)
ALLERGPIGWEED Common Pigweed (W14), IgE 
C5 Complement C5, Concentration
C1QCC Complement Component C1q
CH50 Complement, Total (CH50)
CBCD - NOCO Complete Blood Count (CBC) Automated with Differential, Blood
CBCM - NOCO Complete Blood Count (CBC) Automated with Manual Differential, Blood
ABC - NOCO Complete Blood Count (CBC) Without Differential, Blood
Laboratory Communication/BMPTOCMP - NOCO Comprehensive Metabolic Panel added to Basic Metabolic Panel, Plasma or Serum
CMPGFR - NOCO Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Plasma or Serum
Reticulocytes Comprehensive/RETICC - NOCO Comprehensive Reticulocyte Panel, Whole Blood
CU Copper Level
TUCU 24 Hour Urine Copper
AP CULI Copper, Liver
BB Cord Blood Order - NOCO Cord Blood Evaluation
BB Cord Blood to Hold - NOCO Cord Blood To Hold
CORTICOS Corticosterone, LC/MS
CORT STIM WR [cs] Cortisol Stimulation Study WR
Lab Order Only CORT30 - NCMC Cortisol, 30 Minute
Lab Order Only CORT60 - NCMC Cortisol, 60 Minute
Lab Order Only CORT90 - NCMC Cortisol, 90 Minute
Lab Order Only CORTBASE - NCMC Cortisol, Baseline
TUCORTF 24 Hour Timed Urine, Cortisol, Free
CORTSALV SNG Cortisol, LC/MS, Saliva
Cortisol PM - NCMC Cortisol, PM, Serum
Cortisol, Total, AM - NCMC Cortisol, Total, AM
Cortisol, Total, Serum - NCMC Cortisol, Total, Serum
ALLERGCOTTONWOOD Cottonwood Tree (T14), IgE
COVID19 - MM MMC COVID-19, PCR - Coronavirus (MM MMC) 
COXAAB Coxsackie A Antibodies, Serum
COXB ARUP Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies
CPEP C-Peptide
ALLERGCRAB Crab (Cancer pagurus) IgE
CRP - NOCO C-Reactive Protein
CK - NOCO Creatine Kinase (CK), Plasma or Serum
PESOT/# CKIS Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes (CK Isoenzymes) with Total CK
#TUCR Creatine, 24-Hour Urine
PESOT/ # CREB Creatine, Serum
Creatinine Clearance Peds/CRCL - NOCO Creatinine Clearance with Height and Weight, Timed Urine with Plasma or Serum
CRCLA - NOCO Creatinine Clearance, Timed Urine with Plasma or Serum
CREATGFR - NOCO Creatinine, Plasma or Serum
CREATU - NOCO Creatinine, Random, Urine
CREATBF - NCMC Creatinine, Body Fluid
CRYQ Cryoglobulin Screen with Reflex to Cryoglobulin Panel
Transfuse Cryoprecipitate [cs] - NOCO Cryoprecipitate
CRYPTOSF Cryptococcal Antigen w/Reflex to Titer, CSF
CRYPTO Cryptococcal Antigen w/Reflex to Titer, Serum
CRYSY, CRYBF Crystal Analysis, Synovial Fluid or Body Fluid
C AFB - MM MMC Culture, Acid-Fast Mycobacterium with Smear
C GC - MM MMC Culture, GC - Neisseria gonorrhoeae
C YST - MM MMC Culture, Yeast
Cyanide, Blood Cyanide, Blood
CCP Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide IgG Antibody
Cyclospora/Cystoisospora Exam Cyclospora/Cystoisospora Exam
CYCLOA Cyclosporine A Level
CYSTATINC (SQL) Cystatin C, Creatinine w/eGFR
CYSTFIB(ARUP) Cystic Fibrosis (CFTR) Expanded Variant Panel
C CYSTIC Cystic Fibrosis Culture
CYSSF Cysticercus Antibody (IgG), ELISA, CSF
TUCYSTINE Cystine, 24-Hour Urine
Cytology Order - Body Fluid - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Body Fluid
Cytology Order - Bronch Brush - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Bronchial Brush
Cytology - Bronch wash/lavage - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Bronchial Washing or Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Cytology, FNA, Misc - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA), Miscellaneous
Cytology, FNA, Thyroid - Summit Path- NOCO Cytology, Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA), Thyroid
Cytology Order, CSF - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Spinal Fluid
Cytology Order, Sputum - Summit Path- NOCO Cytology, Sputum
Cytology Order, Tzanck Smear - Summit Path- NOCO Cytology, Tzanck Smear
Cytology, Urinary Tract Brush - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Urinary Tract Brushing
Cytology Order - Urine - Summit Path - NOCO Cytology, Urine
CMVVIRFEC (Viracor) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Quantitative Real-time PCR (Stool)
CMVVIRBAL (Viracor) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Quantitative Real-time PCR, BAL
CMVVIRCSF Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Quantitative Real-time PCR, CSF
CMVGM Cytomegalovirus Antibodies, IgG & IgM
CMVIGG Cytomegalovirus Antibody, IgG
CMVIGM Cytomegalovirus Antibody, IgM
CMVSAL NEONATE Cytomegalovirus DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR, Saliva
CMVPCRQL Cytomegalovirus DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
CMVPCRQTBF Cytomegalovirus DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
CMVPCRQT-Blood Cytomegalovirus DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR (Plasma)