Test Code Test Name
#CY2C19QNI AccuType® CP, Clopidogrel CYP2C19 Genotype
ACETAMINOPHEN LEVEL/ACETA - NOCO Acetaminophen, Plasma or Serum
#Acetone Acetone
ACHRBI Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody
ACHRBK Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking Antibody
ACHRMO Acetylcholine Receptor Modulating Antibody
ACPHOS Acid Phosphatase, Total, Serum
ACTINAB Actin (Smooth Muscle) Antibody (IgG)
APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
APCR Activated Protein C Resistance
AHP - NCMC Acute Hepatitis Panel, Serum
AMLPNL Acute Myeloid Leukemia Prognostic Panel
ACLC-CC Acylcarnitine, Plasma Profile
ADEAMSF Adenosine Deaminase, CSF
ADEAMPER Adenosine Deaminase, Peritoneal Fluid
ADEAMPL Adenosine Deaminase, Pleural Fluid
Adenovirus DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR Adenovirus DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
ADENVIRBAL Adenovirus Quantitative Real-time PCR
ADENVIRCSF (Viracor) Adenovirus Quantitative Real-time PCR, CSF
ADENVIRPLA (Viracor) Adenovirus Quantitative Real-time PCR, Plasma
ADENVIRUA (Viracor) Adenovirus Quantitative Real-time PCR, Urine
#ALZEVL CSF ADmark® Phospho-Tau/Total-Tau/A Beta42,Analysis and Interp,CSF(Symptomatic)
C BF Aerobic Body Fluid Culture
ALT - NOCO Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT), Plasma or Serum
ALBBF - NCMC Albumin, Body Fluid
ALBSF Albumin, CSF
ALB - NOCO Albumin, Plasma or Serum
PESOT/# ISOQ-QNI Alcohol, Isopropyl
METHANOL Alcohol, Methyl
ETOHQ - NOCO Alcohol/Ethanol, Plasma or Serum
ALLERGALDER Alder (T2) IgE (2502X)
ALDO Aldolase
TUALDOS Aldosterone, 24-Hour Urine (19552X)
ALDOS Aldosterone, LC/MS
PESOT/ESOT Alkali Denaturation Test Alkali Denaturation Test (APT and Downey)
ALKPISO Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes
ALKPBONE Alkaline Phosphatase, Bone Specific
ALKP - NOCO Alkaline Phosphatase, Plasma or Serum
PESOT/Allergen (IgE), ImmunoCAP- Alfalfa* Allergen Specific IgE Alfalfa (38263X)
ALLERGCHILD Allergen, Childhood Allergy Panel
ALLERGENV Allergen, Environmental Panel
ALLERGFOOD Allergen, Food Comprehensive, Panel
ALLGSEA-NUT MIX Allergen, Food Panel with Seafood mix, Nut Panel
ALLERGBEETROOT Allergen, Food, Beet Root IgE
ALLERGPEDF Allergen, Pediatric Food Panel
PESOT/Allergy Panel 13, Stinging Insect Group Allergy Panel 13, Stinging Insect Group (7913X)
PESOT/Allergy Panel 15, Cereal Group Allergy Panel 15, Cereal Group
PESOT/Allergy Panel 16, Vegetable Group Allergy Panel 16, Vegetable Group
PESOT/Allergy Panel 17, Salad Group Allergy Panel 17, Salad Group
PESOT/Allergy Panel, Animal Group Allergy Panel, Animal Group
ALLERGREG11 - SQL Allergy, Colorado/Wyoming Panel
PESOT/Allergy, Dust Profile Allergy, Dust Profile
PESOT/Allergy-Animal Profile Allergy-Animal Profile
PESOT/Allergy-Grass Profile + IgE Allergy-Grass Profile + IgE
PESOT/Allergy-Insect Venom Panel Allergy-Insect Venom Panel (38038X)
PESOT/Allergy-Nut Panel Allergy-Nut Panel
PESOT/Allergy-Seafood/Shellfish Allergy-Seafood/Shellfish
PESOT/Allergy-Tree Profile and IgE Allergy-Tree Profile and IgE
AATST Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Feces, 24 hour
A2MG Alpha 2 Macroglobulin
A2AP Alpha 2-Antiplasmin
AFPTM - NCMC Alpha Fetaprotein (AFP) Tumor Marker
AAT Alpha-1-Antitrypsin
AAP Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Phenotype
AATSTR Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Random Feces
# AFPL3 Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) and AFP-L3
AFPTMSF Alpha-Fetoprotein, CSF
HBA1 Gen Mut Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis
ALTERNATA Alternaria alternata (M6), IgE
ALUM Aluminum, Blood
AMIKP Amikacin, Peak
AMIKR Amikacin, Random
AMIKT Amikacin, Trough
AALCMSU Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Urine
AAQT LTD Amino Acid Analysis, Limited, Plasma
AAQT FULL Amino Acid Analysis, Plasma
AMIODAR Amiodarone
AMIM Amitriptyline
AMON - NOCO Ammonia, Plasma
CONFAMPHMDAR/U Amphetamine, Confirmation, Urine
CONFAMPH/Mec Amphetamines, Confirmation, Meconium
AMYL Amylase
AMYLBF Amylase, Body Fluid
PESOT/ARUP Misc AMY-FL Amylase, Pancreatic Cyst 
ANAPNL2 ANA Cascading Reflex
ANAPNL1 ANA Complete
ANAIFA ANA IFA Screen w/ Reflex to Titer
ANARA ANA Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel
ANACT ANA Screen w/Reflex Mixed Connective Tiss. Disease Abs
ANASLE ANA Screen w/Reflex to Lupus/SLE Antibodies
ANASCLER ANA Screen w/Reflex to Scleroderma Antibodies
ANA ANA Screen with Reflex to Titer
ANA Hep2 IFA ANA Screen, IFA w/Reflex to Titer and Multiplex 11 AB Cascade
ANASJO ANA Sjogren's Diagnostic Panel
BACT ID/S ANAER Anaerobic Bacteria Identification and Susceptibility
C ANA Anaerobic Culture
C QAAN Anaerobic Quantitative Culture
ANCA ANCA Screen with Reflex to ANCA Titer
ANCAVAS PNL ANCA Vasculitides (includes PR3, MPO Antibodies)
ANDROST Androstenedione, LC/MS
ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
ACESF Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE), CSF
HEPA (Xa) - NOCO Anti Xa - Heparin (unfract)
MULLERIAN-SQL Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
APS (cs) Antiphospholipid Syndrome Evaluation
SSARO Anti-SS-A (Ro) Antibody
SSBLA Anti-SS-B (La) Antibody
ASO Anti-Streptolysin O
ATIII - NCMC Antithrombin III Activity, Plasma
AT3B Antithrombin III Antigen
APPA1 Apolipoprotein A1
APPA1B Apolipoprotein A1 & B
APPB Apolipoprotein B
APTT MIX APTT Mixing Study (PTT Mixing Study)
AQP4RFLXSER Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) Antibody, IgG by CBA-IFA With Reflex to Titer, Serum
AQP4NMO IgG Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) Antibody (NMO-IgG), ELISA
AQP4RFLXCSF Aquaporin-4 Receptor Antibody, IgG by IFA, CSF with Reflex to Titer
ARBOSF Arbovirus Antibody Panel (IgG, IgM), IFA, CSF
ABVS Arbovirus Antibody Panel, IFA (Serum) [34980X]
TUAS Arsenic, 24-Hour Urine
AS Arsenic, Blood
AST - NOCO Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT), Plasma or Serum
ALLERGASPEN Aspen ( Populus tremuloides) IgE
ASPERG Aspergillus Antibodies, Immunodiffusion, Serum
ASPAG Aspergillus Antigen, EIA, Serum
ASPFUM Aspergillus fumigatus (M3) IgE (2703X)
ASPERVIRBAL (Viracor) Aspergillus Galactomannan EIA, BAL
ASPERVIRBRW (Viracor) Aspergillus Galactomannan EIA, Bronch Wash
ASPANVIRBAL Aspergillus Real-time PCR Panel
PESOT/ARUP MISC Aspergillus Galactomannan Antigen Aspergillus Galactomannan Antigen by EIA, Bronchoscopy
APFT Aspirin Resistance Test
APNEUMOQLPCR Atypical Pneumonia DNA Panel, Qualitative,  Real-Time PCR
PESOT / #ADULTENC-CSF Autoimmune Encephalopathy/Dementia Panel, CSF
PESOT/ #ADULTENC-SER Autoimmune Encephalopathy/Dementia Panel, Serum