Test Code Test Name
#PARANEOCSF Paraneoplastic Reflexive Panel CSF
#PARANEOSER Paraneoplastic Reflexive Panel 
#PEDENCSF MAYO Pediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathy/CNS Disorder Evaluation, Spinal Fluid
#PEDENSER MAYO Pediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathy/CNS Disorder Evaluation, Serum
24 Hour Urine Potassium/TUK - NOCO Potassium, Timed, Urine
ALLERGPEANUT Peanut (F13), IgE  
ALLERGPECAN Pecan (F201), IgE 
ALLERGPINE Pine (t213) IgE
ALLERGPNOTATUM Penicillium notatum (M1), IgE
ALLERGPOPLAR Poplar Lombardy (Populus nigraitala) IgE
AnserADA (Prom) Prometheus Anser ADA
AnserIFX (Prom) Prometheus Anser IFX
APAR Parietal Cell Antibody w/Reflex to Titer
Body Fluid Order (cs)/PROTBF - NOCO Protein, Total, Body Fluid
C PLA, C PLAN Placenta Culture
CG PGx Panel Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Panel 
DE Test Parasite ID (Direct Exam)
DIR PLT AB Platelet Antibody Screen (Direct) (5019)
FC PNHFLAER Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) with FLAER (High Sensitivity)
FRG12 Prothrombin Fragment 1.2
hCG Quant, Serum/HCGQ - NOCO Pregnancy Test, Quantitative (bhCG) Plasma or Serum
HCGU - NOCO Pregnancy Test, Qualitative hCG, Urine
IPF - NOCO Platelet Count (with Immature Platelet Fraction [IPF])
K - NOCO Potassium (K), Plasma or Serum
KBF Potassium, Body Fluid
KFE Potassium, Feces
MYSO Primidone and Phenobarbital
P2GM Prothrombin (Fac II) 2021G>A Mutation
P2Y12 - NCMC Plavix (P2Y12) Platelet Function Test
PANCEL1 Pancreatic Elastase-1
PANPOLY Pancreatic Polypeptide, ECL
PARVO Parvovirus B19 Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
PARVOPCRQL Parvovirus B19 DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR (34296X)
PARVOPCRQT Parvovirus B19 DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
Path Review Peripheral Bld - NOCO Pathology Review
PE/S Protein Electrophoresis, Serum
PE/S w/IT Protein Electrophoresis w/Reflex IT, Serum
Peritoneal (Ascites) Fluid [sub-p] Peritoneal (Ascites) Fluid power plan
PERU wIFE Protein Electrophoresis w Reflex IFE, Urine Random
PESOT/ ESOT STREP14 Pneumococcal Avidity Panel (14 Serotypes)
PESOT/ ESOT STREP23 Pneumococcal Avidity Panel (23 Serotypes)
PESOT/ESOT POC - NOCO Products of Conception
PESOT/Paper Wasp-Polistes (I4) IgE (2734X) Paper Wasp-Polistes (I4) IgE (2734X)
PEUR/S Protein Electrophoresis, Urine, Random
PH Panel, Venous/VPHP - NOCO pH, Venous Panel
PH, Cord Blood Arterial/PHCBA - NOCO pH, Arterial, Cord Blood
PH, Cord Blood Venous/PHCBV - NOCO pH, Venous, Cord Blood
pH, Feces pH, Feces
PHBF/QNI pH, Body Fluid
PHENLTYRO PNL Phenylalanine and Tyrosine
PHENOBARB Phenobarbital
PHOS - NOCO Phosphorus, Plasma or Serum
PHOSERPT Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin (PS/PT) Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
PHOSPHATE R/U Phosphate, Random Urine with Creatinine
PHPL - NOCO pH, Pleural Fluid
Pinworm Exam (Enterobius) Pinworm Exam (Enterobius)
PJDQL(QNI) Pneumocystis jirovecii DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR
Pjirovecii PCR- Pneumocystis jirovecii by PCR (Lower Resp) BUMCT
PLA2IGG Phospholipase A2 Receptor (PLA2R) Antibody, IgG with Reflex to Titer
PLASACT Plasminogen Activity
PLTAB IND QNI Platelet Antibody, Indirect (IgG), Flow Cytometry
PLTCT - NOCO Platelet Count, Blood
PML/RARA by PCR PML-RARA t(15;17), Quantitative, Real Time-PCR
Pneumocystis jirovecii (P. carinii), DFA Pneumocystis jirovecii (P. carinii), DFA
PNEUMOPCRQT Pneumocystis jirovecii, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
PNTPNL Peanut Component Panel
PORPHOD RBC Porphorbilinogen Deaminase, Erythrocyte
PORPHTU Porphyrins, Fractionated, Quantitative, 24-Hour Urine
PORPHYQTRU Porphyrins, Fractionated, Quantitative, Random Urine
PORS Porphyrins, Serum
POSAVIRSER Posaconazole Level (Serum) Viracor
PREALB - NCMC Prealbumin
PRO Procainamide (743X)
PROCAL RS - NOCO Procalcitonin
PROG - NCMC Progesterone, Serum
PROIN Proinsulin
PROINTP Procollagen Type I Intact N Terminal Propeptide
PROLACT - NCMC Prolactin, Serum or Plasma
PROLACTDIL Prolactin, Diluted
PROTCACT Protein C Activity
PROTCAG Protein C Antigen
Protein Total Serum/PROT - NOCO Protein, Total, Plasma or Serum
PROTSACT Protein S Activity
PROTSAG Protein S Antigen, Total and Free
PROTSF - NOCO Protein, Spinal Fluid
PSA Diag. - NCMC Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), Diagnostic 
PSA/US PSA, Post-Prostatectomy
PSAF. - NCMC PSA, Free and Total
PSAS. - NOCO Prostatic Specific Antigen Screen.
PT - NOCO Prothrombin Time (PT), Plasma
PT MIX PT Mixing Studies
PTH/10 - NOCO Parathyroid Hormone Intact, Plasma
PTH/ADD - NOCO Parathyroid Hormone Intact - Additional Specimen, Plasma
PTH/B1 - NOCO Parathyroid Hormone Intact - Baseline, Plasma
PTHFNAARUP Parathyroid Hormone, Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
PTHI. - NOCO Parathyroid Hormone Intact, with Calcium, Serum
PTHINC - NOCO Parathyroid Hormone Intact, WITHOUT Calcium
PTHRP PTH-Related Protein (PTH-rP)
PTN - NOCO Phenytoin (Dilantin®), Plasma or Serum
PVABN Poliovirus (Types 1, 3) Antibodies, Neutralization
PVIGG Parvovirus B19 Antibody (IgG)
PVIGM Parvovirus B19 Antibody (IgM)
Pyruvate Kinase/ ARUP MISC 0080290 Pyruvate Kinase
RENIN Plasma Renin Activity, LC/MS/MS
RUK - NOCO Potassium, Random Urine
RUPHOS Phosphorus, Random Urine 
RUPR - NOCO Protein/Creatinine Ratio, Urine, Random
STRP14ABVIRSER Pneumococcal Antibody Panel (14 Serotype)
STRP23ABVIRSER Pneumococcal Antibody Panel (23 Serotype)
Transfuse FFP [cs] - NOCO Plasma
Transfuse Platelets [cs] - NOCO Platelet Pheresis, Leukoreduced
TUPE Protein Electrophoresis, Urine, 24 Hour