Test Code Test Name
C1ESTF C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Functional
C1EST C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Protein 
C4DF C4d Fragment, EIA
CA199F CA 19-9, Peritoneal Fluid
CA2729 CA 27.29
CA2729 CA 27.29
CABBGE Cabbage (f216) IgE
CHIGE Cacao (Chocolate) (F93) IgE
CAD24U Cadmium, 24-Hour Urine 
CADBLD Cadmium, Blood
305 Caffeine
CAFF Caffeine
CAH21H CAH (21-Hydroxylase Deficiency) Common Mutations 
CALCIT Calcitonin 
VDCAL Calcitriol
CA Calcium
24UCA Calcium (24Hr Urine) 
IOCAL Calcium, Ionized (serum) 
CAION Calcium, Ionized (whole blood)
UCAR Calcium, Random Urine
CENCEP California Encephalitis Virus Antibody (IgG, IgM), IFA, Serum
CALPRO Calprotectin, Stool
CALRMT Calreticulin (CALR) Mutation Analysis
CA125 Cancer Antigen (CA) 125
CA153 Cancer Antigen (CA) 15-3
CA199 Cancer Antigen (CA) 19-9
CAAL Candida Albicans (M5), IgE
CANDAB Candida albicans Antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM)
CVTTMA Candida Vaginitis, Trichomonas, TMA
CARB Carbamazepine
CARBMF Carbamazepine, Free 
CRBMET Carbamazepine-10,11-Epoxide, Serum/Plasma
CHOU Carbohydrate, Urine
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COHGB Carbon Monoxide (Carboxyhemoglobin)
CEA2 Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA
CIRPL Cardio IQ® Insulin Resistance Panel with Score
LIPION Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein Fractionation, Ion Mobility
ACAGMA Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG/IgM/IgA)
ACAIGA Cardiolipin IGA Antibody
ACAIGG Cardiolipin IgG Antibody
ACAIGM Cardiolipin IGM Antibody
CARNIT Carnitine
CAROTN Carotene 
60616N Carrot (f31) IgE
CARROT Carrot (f31) IgE [2831X]
CANT Cashew Nut (F202), IgE
CADA Cat Dander (E1), IgE
CATFVM Catecholamines, Fractionated and VMA, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine
24UCAT Catecholamines, Fractionated, 24-Hour Urine (without Creatinine)
CAT24U Catecholamines, Fractionated, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine
CATPL Catecholamines, Fractionated, Plasma
CATFRU Catecholamines, Fractionated, Random Urine 
CATFSH Catfish (f369) IgE
CBC CBC & Platelet Count
CBCD CBC, & Diff
CBFBMY CBFB/MYH11 inv(16), Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
CD4 CD4 Absolute T Cell Count (FLOW Cytometry)
CEAFL CEA, Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Pancreatic Cyst Fluid [91930]
CEAPER CEA, Peritoneal Fluid
CELERY Celery (f85) IgE
CELERY Celery (f85) IgE [2860X]
CELPK Celiac Disease Antibody Panel
FLDCT Cell Count & Diff, Body Fluid
CSFCT Cell Count & Diff, CSF
CELHLD Cell Culture for Possible Additional Prenatal Studies
71051 Cell Cycle Analysis (FLOW Cytometry)
ACMT Centromere IgG Antibody
CERU Ceruloplasmin
CFVATG CFvantage® Cystic Fibrosis Expanded Screen
CHERRY Cherry (f242) IgE
CHERRY Cherry (f242) IgE [2609X]
CHSTNT Chestnut (F299) IgE
CHKPEA Chick Pea (RF309) IgE
CKFEAE Chicken Feathers (E85) IgE
CHMEAT Chicken Meat (F83), IgE
CHALPA Childhood Allergy Profile IgE
CHIOO Childhood Food Allergy Panel
GCCTMA Chlamydia and GC, RNA, TMA
CTRNAB Chlamydia Trachomatis, RNA, TMA
GCT Chlamydia, GC and Trichomonas
CHLMAB Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Antibody Panel 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM)
CHLMSP Chlamydiae Species Culture
CHLMP Chlamydophila pneumoniae, DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
CL Chloride
24UCL Chloride, 24-Hour Urine without Creatinine [11314]
CHLFCS Chloride, Feces
UCLR Chloride, Urine
FLCHOL Cholesterol, Fluid
CHOL Cholesterol, Total
CHOLPL Cholinesterase, Plasma
CHOLRP Cholinesterase, RBC and Plasma
CHLDIB Cholinesterase, Serum, with Dibucaine Inhibition
CHRMTN Chromatin (Nucleosomal) Antibody
CHROMU Chromium, 24-Hour Urine 
CHROMB Chromium, Blood 
CHRMPL Chromium, Plasma
CHROMS Chromium, Serum
CHRMF8 Chromogenic Factor VIII (8)
CHROMA Chromogranin A, LC/MS/MS
POCCHR Chromosomal Microarray, POC, ClariSure® Oligo-SNP
POSTNT Chromosomal Microarray, Postnatal, ClariSure® Oligo-SNP
CHRMFL Chromosome Analysis and Alpha-Fetoprotein with Reflex to AchE and Fetal Hgb, Amniotic Fluid
CHRMAM Chromosome Analysis, Amniotic Fluid
CHRMBL Chromosome Analysis, Blood 
CHRMCV Chromosome Analysis, Chorionic Villus Sample
CHROM Chromosome Analysis, Hematologic Malignancy
CHRMTS Chromosome Analysis, Tissue
TISCHR Chromosome Analysis, POC Tissue with Reflex to Microarray, ClariSure® Oligo-SNP
IGVH Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, IgVH Mutation Status, Cell-based
CHYMOT Chymotrypsin, Stool
CINNMN Cinnamon (f220) IgE
CIRINH Circulating Anticoagulant (Inhibitor)
CIT24 Citric Acid, 24-Hour Urine without Creatinine
CITRIC Citric Acid, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine
CITACD Citric Acid, Urine with Creatinine
CKITMT c-KIT Mutation Analysis, Cell Based
CLHER Cladosporium Herbarum (M2), IgE
CLIGE Clam (F207), IgE
71151 CLL/Lymphoma Profile (FLOW Cytometry)
CLOMIP Clomipramine
CLONZ Clonazepam
CDIFF Clostridioides difficile Screen
CDIFCY Clostridium difficile Cytotoxin Antibody Neutralization
CLOZPN Clozapine 
CMVG CMV IgG Antibody
CMVDNA CMV Quantitative PCR
CNSDD CNS, Demyelinating Disease Eval, Serum
COAGPK Coagulation Profile
COBLTB Cobalt, Blood 
COBALT Cobalt, Serum/Plasma 
UCOC Cocaine & Metabolite, Qualitative
PMCOCQ Cocaine & Metabolites, Qualitative
COCCLC Cocaine Metabolite
COCLC Cocaine Metabolite
PMCOCF Cocaine Metabolite w/ Confirmation
UCOCF Cocaine Metabolite w/ Confirmation
COCCD Coccidioides Antibody, Complement Fixation, CSF
CCIDAB Coccidioides Antibody, Complement Fixation, Serum
COCC Coccidoides Antibody, Immunodiffusion
CARMNE Carmine/Red Dye Cochineal Extract (f340) IgE
COCH Cockroach (I6), IgE
COIGE Coconut (F36), IgE
COFI Codfish (F3), IgE
COFFEE Coffee (f221) IgG
349 Cold Hemagglutinins
CCNTEL Collagen Cross-Linked N-Telopeptide (NTx), Urine 
CTELO Collagen Type I C-Telopeptide (CTx) 
COLREC Colorectal Cancer Mutation Panel (KRAS, PIK3CA, BRAF, NRAS)
COLVNT ColoVantage® (Methylated Septin 9) 
COPI Common Pigweed (W14), IgE
CORA Common Ragweed (Short) (W1), IgE
BIRIGE Common Silver Birch (T3) IgE
YEJAC Common Wasp, Yellow Jacket (I3), IgE
C4 Complement C4C
C1Q Complement Component C1q
C3 Complement Component C3C
CMPALT Complement, Alternate Pathway, Functional
CH50 Complement, Total (CH50) 
CHYPER Comprehensive Hypercoag Profile
CMP Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
TMETLU Comprehensive Toxic Metal Panel, 24-Hour Urine
CTDC Connective Tissue Disease Cascade, Serum
COOXP Co-Oximeter Profile
COPPER Copper 
CPPR24 Copper, 24-Hour Urine
CORNG Corn, Grass (g202) IgE
CBIND Corticosteroid Binding Globulin (CBG)
CSTRON Corticosterone
CORT15 Cortisol 15 Minute Response
CORT30 Cortisol 30 Minute Response
CORT60 Cortisol 60 Minute Response
CORTB Cortisol Baseline Response
ACTHST Cortisol Response to ACTH Stimulation, Serum
CORTAM Cortisol, A.M.
CORTF Cortisol, Free, LC/MS, Serum
CORTFU Cortisol, Free, LC/MS/MS, 24-Hour Urine
CORTSL Cortisol, LC/MS, Saliva
CORT2S Cortisol, LC/MS, Saliva, 2 Samples
CORT3S Cortisol, LC/MS, Saliva, 3 Samples
CORT4S Cortisol, LC/MS, Saliva, 4 Samples
CORTPM Cortisol, P.M.
CORT Cortisol, Total
CORTIS Cortisol, Total, LC/MS
UCOT Cotinine Qualitative
UCOTCF Cotinine w/ Confirmation
CTTNSD Cotton Seed (k83) IgE
COWD Cottonwood (T14), IgE
COW Cow Dander (E4) IgE
CBURQL Coxiella burnetii DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR
COXSKA Coxsackie A Antibodies, Serum
CPEP C-Peptide
CRIGE Crab (F23), IgE
CRNBRY Cranberry (Rf341) IgE
CRP C-Reactive Protein
CKISO Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes (CK Isoenzymes) with Total CK 
CRTINE Creatine, 24 Hour Urine
CRET Creatinine
CRCL Creatinine Clearance
CRETB Creatinine W/eGFR
FLCRET Creatinine, Misc Fluid
24UCR Creatinine, Quant, U24
UCRR Creatinine, Random Urine
CRYOB Cryoglobulin (%Cryocrit), Serum
CRYOG Cryoglobulin Screen with Reflex to Cryoglobulin Panel [37358]
CRYPAB Cryptococcus Antibody 
CRYBL Cryptococcus Antigen
CRYCSF Cryptococcus Antigen, CSF
CREX Crystal Examination, Body Fluid
CUCMBR Cucumber (F244) IgE
CLOAT Cultivated Oat (G14) IgE
CLRYE Cultivated Rye (G12) IgE
CUAFBL Culture, Acid Fast (Blood)
CULANA Culture, Anaerobic Bacterium
CULAUT Culture, Autoclave
CULBLD Culture, Blood
CULBRU Culture, Brucella
CULMIS Culture, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) [70881]
CULCX Culture, Cerv / Vag
CULCF Culture, Cystic Fibrosis
CULMIS Culture, Ear [70881]
CULENV Culture, Enviromental
CULFUO Culture, Fungus
CULLEL Culture, Legionella
CULMIS Culture, Misc Source [70881]
CULAFB Culture, Mycobacterium
CULGC Culture, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (GC)
CULNOS Culture, Nose
CULREG Culture, Respiratory Secretions
CULURN Culture, Routine Urine
CULSTL Culture, Stool
CULSTR Culture, Streptococcus, Group B
CULTHR Culture, Throat
CULGEN Culture, Uro-Genital
CULVIB Culture, Vibrio
CULWND Culture, Wound
CULYST Culture, Yeast
CULYER Culture, Yersinia
CYNIDE Cyanide, Blood 
CCPIGG Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide, CCP, AB, IgG
CYBENZ Cyclobenzaprine, Serum/Plasma
CYCLOS Cyclospora and Isospora Examination 
CYCL Cyclosporin, Whole Blood
CRYSAG Cyrptosporidium EIA
CYSTAT Cystatin C with Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
CYSTIC Cystic Fibrosis D1152H Mutation Analysis
CYSTCR Cysticercus Antibody (IgG), ELISA, Serum
CYSTAB Cysticercus Antibody (IgG), Western Blot, Serum
CYSTIN Cystine, 24-Hour Urine
CYSTNR Cystine, Random Urine with Creatinine
P450GT Cytochrome P450 2C9 Genotype
CYTOGT Cytochrome P450 2D6 Genotype
74315 Cytology Non-Gyn
CMVGX Cytomegalovirus Antibody (IgG)
CMVM Cytomegalovirus Antibody IgM
CMVIDX Cytomegalovirus IgG Avidity
CMVABM Cytomegalovirus Antibody (IgM)
CMVPAN Cyytomegalovirus IgG & IgM Antibodies
FLCL Fluid Chloride
QUIN Quinidin, Serum / Plasma
UCR12 Urine Creatinine, 12 HR