Test Code Test Name
CHOU Carbohydrate, Urine
INFXR Infliximab Quantitation w/Reflex to Antibodies, to Infliximab, Serum
MAU Random Urine Microalbumin
SIRO Rapamycin (Sirolimus)
RASPBR Raspberry (Rf343) IgE
REDCDR Red Cedar (t57) IgE
RKIDBN Red Kidney Bean (f287) IgE
REGR Red Top Grass (G9), IgE
REDSUB Reducing Substances, Feces
HCVABR Reflex Hepatitis C
RENAL Renal Function Panel
RTHSEQ Resistance to Thyroid Hormone (RTH) Gene Sequencing
RESR5 Respiratory Allergy Profile, Region V
COMPRE Respiratory PCR Panel
RETF RET (10q11), FISH, Tissue
RETCCT Reticulocyte
RBP Retinol Binding Protein
RF Rheumatoid Factor
RFIGA Rheumatoid Factor (IgA)
RFAGM Rheumatoid Factor (IgA, IgG, IgM)
RFIGG Rheumatoid Factor (IgG)
RFIGM Rheumatoid Factor (IgM)
RFSYN Rheumatoid Factor Screen with Reflex to Titer, Synovial Fluid
RHNV Rhinovirus RNA, Real-Time PCR
RHZNIG Rhizopus Nigricans (M11) IgE
RPAB Ribosomal P Antibody
RICE Rice (f9) IgE
RMSFAB Rickettsia (RMSF) Antibodies (IgG, IgM) with Reflex to Titers
TYPHUS Rickettsia (Typhus Fever) Antibodies (IgG, IgM) with Reflex to Titers
RCKAB Rickettsia Antibody Panel with Reflex to Titers
RISMET Risperidone and Metabolite
RITALN Ritalinic Acid
RITUXN Rituxan Sensitivity (CD20)
RIVARX Rivaroxaban
RNAP3 RNA Polymerase III Antibody
RNPAB RNP Antibody
ROMA ROMA™ (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm)
ROTAV Rotavirus Antigen by EIA
RPRS RPR w/ Reflex Titer
RPRRE RPR with Reflex to TPPA
RUBELM Rubella Antibody (IgM)
RBBE Rubella / Rubeola
RUMEMU Rubella / Rubeola / Mumps
RUBE Rubella Virus IgG Antibody by EIA
RUBO Rubeola Virus IgG Antibody
RUTH Russian Thistle (W11) IgE