Test Code Test Name
DPTER D. Pteronyssinus (D1), IgE
UDARCF Darvon w/ Confirmation
UDAR Darvon, Qualitative
DDIM D-Dimer (Quantitative)
DALAU Delta Aminolevulinic Acid, 24-Hour Urine [219]
ALAU Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid, Random Urine [6301]
DMC2 Dementia Autoimmune Evaluation, CSF
DMS2 Dementia Autoimmune Evaluation, Serum
DENGGM Dengue Fever Antibodies (IgG, IgM) [93256]
DENGFG Dengue Fever Antibody (IgG)
DENGFM Dengue Fever Antibody (IgM) [37580]
DEOXYC Deoxycorticosterone [90973]
DFARI Dermatophagoides Farinae (D2), IgE
DESIPR Desipramine [412]
DESMAB Desmoglein Antibodies (1 and 3) [16033X]
DEXA Dexamethasone
DMETHR Dextro/Levo Methorphan, LC/MS/MS, Urine
DHEAU DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Unconjugated [19894]
DIFF Differential Count (B)
DIGITX Digitoxin, Serum/Plasma [417Z]
DIG Digoxin (Lanoxin)
DTEST Dihydrotestosterone [90567]
DILL Dill (Rf277) IgE** [2918X]
DILTAZ Diltiazem, Serum/Plasma
DIPTH Diphtheria Antitoxoid [4865]
DAT Direct Antiglobulin Test
DISOPY Disopyramide [416X]
DIURET Diuretics Screen, Urine
DSDNAR DNA (ds) Antibody, Crithidia IFA with Reflex to Titer [37092]
DNAB DNA Antibodies, Native
DODA Dog Dander (E5), IgE
DHBSAG Donor, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Reflex to Confirmation
HCVDNR Donor, Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV)
DNRPRF Donor, HIV-1/HBV/HCV NAT Procleix® with Reflex to HIV-1/HBV/HCV Discriminatory [19854X]
DHIV Donor, HIV-1/2 plus O Antibody Screen [17380]
DHTLV Donor, HTLV-I/II Antibody Screen
DOPA Dopamine, Plasma
DOXPIN Doxepin
MARIN Dronabinol, Serum/Plasma
DAS5 Drug Abuse Screen 5, without Confirmation, Serum [19766X]
DS7SER Drug Abuse Screen 7, with Confirmation, Serum [19767X]
PDM1Q Drug Monitoring Panel 1
PDM1CF Drug Monitoring Panel 1 with Confirmation
PDM2Q Drug Monitoring Panel 2
PDM2CF Drug Monitoring Panel 2 with Confirmation
PDM3Q Drug Monitoring Panel 3
PDM3CF Drug Monitoring Panel 3 w/ Confirmation
PDM4Q Drug Monitoring Panel 4
PDM4CF Drug Monitoring Panel 4 w/ Confirmation
PHRXPM Drug Monitoring Panel 5 w/ Confirmation
MECDS5 Drug Screen Panel 5, Meconium [454X]
MECDS9 Drug Screen Panel 9, Meconium [30427X]
DUCKE DUCK Feathers (E86) IGE
DULOXS Duloxetine, Serum/Plasma
XYLOSE d-Xylose Absorption Test, Blood, Fasting [1198X]
THCCLC Marijuana Confirmation