Test Code Test Name
# TGABFNA Thyroglobulin, Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
#C STR Throat Strep Screen by Culture Method
#TSHDIL - SQL TSH, High Sensitivity, Dilution
6MP Thiopurine Metabolites
ALLERGTIMGRASS Timothy Grass (G6), IgE
ALLERGTUNA Tuna (F40) IgE (2840X)
ATRA Thyroid Antibody Profile
BB Transfusion Rxn Workup (cs) - NOCO Transfusion Reaction Workup
BB Type and Screen - NOCO Type and Screen, Blood
BB Type and Screen - NOCO. Type and Screen, Blood, Extended
C TIS Tissue Culture
C TISAN Tissue Culture (Anaerobic)
CG TGPFUSCOMP Targeted Gene Panel with Fusions, Comprehensive Tumor
ESOT - Telomere Length - Johns Hopkins Telomere Length Testing
FK506 Tacrolimus (FK506)
FK506-HS Tacrolimus, Highly Sensitive, LC/MS/MS
Free T4/FT4 - NOCO T4 (Thyroxine), Free, Plasma or Serum
FT3TD T3 Free, Tracer Dialysis
FT4DD T4 Free, Direct Dialysis
FTI Thyroxine, Free, Index, Serum or Plasma
Lab Order Only Thyroid Profile (cs) -NCMC Thyroid Profile, Plasma or Serum
NATFEMALE (QNI) Trichomonas vaginalis RNA, Qualitative, TMA
NATMALE (QNI) Trichomonas vaginalis RNA, Qualitative, TMA, Males
PESOT/Triglycerides, Peritoneal Fluid Triglycerides, Peritoneal Fluid
T3 - NCMC T3 Total (Triiodothyronine)
T3Free - NCMC T3 Free (Triiodothyroxine), Serum or Plasma
T3REV T3 Reverse, LC/MS/MS
T4 - NCMC T4 (Thyroxine), Total Only, Serum or Plasma
TAT Thrombin-Antithrombin (TAT) Complex
TBG Thyroxine Binding Globulin
TCELL BETA T-cell Receptor (TCR) Beta Gene Rearrangement, PCR
TCELL CLONALITY T-cell Clonality Panel (TCRB, TCRG), PCR
TCELL GAMMA T-cell Receptor (TCR) Gamma Gene Rearrangement, PCR
TCRUZIGG Trypanosoma cruzi Antibody, IgG
TCT Thrombin time
TEG6sCM (CVOR-CV) TEG 6s Citrated Multi without Lysis
TEG6sLysis (Trauma) TEG 6s Global with Lysis (K, RT, FF)
TEG6sPM TEG 6s Platelet Mapping
TEST - NCMC Testosterone, Total Only
TESTBIOFT (QNI) Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable and Total, MS
TESTOST MS Testosterone, Total, MS
TESTTF Testosterone, Free (Dialysis) and Total, MS
TETA Tetanus Antitoxoid
TGAB Thyroglobulin Antibodies
TGB w/ RFLX Thyroglobulin, Tumor Marker w/ Reflex LC/MS/MS
TGL - NOCO Triglycerides, Plasma or Serum
TGLBF - NCMC Triglycerides, Body Fluid
THEO Theophylline
Therapeutic Phlebotomy - Job Aid Therapeutic Phlebotomy
Thrombosis Phenotypic Workup Thrombosis; Phenotypic Workup
TNFASER Tumor Necrosis Factor - alpha, Serum
Performed at ARUP
TOBRAP - SQL Tobramycin, Peak
TOBRAR - SQL Tobramycin, Random
TOBRAT - SQL Tobramycin, Trough
TOXO Toxoplasma Abs IgG/IgM
TOXOQLPCR Toxoplasma gondii DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR
TPIR Topiramate
TPMT TPMT Activity
TPMT Genotype Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase (TPMT) Genotype
TPPA - MM MMC Treponema pallidum Antibody
TRAB TRAb (TSH Receptor Antibody)
TRAZO-ARUP Trazodone, Serum
TRF - NOCO Transferrin 
TROPTHS - NOCO Troponin T, High Sensitivity
TROPWHIPPCRQL Tropheryma whipplei (Whipple's) DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
TSH - NOCO Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Serum or Plasma
TSHRFLX - NOCO Thyroid Function Panel
TSI TSI (Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin)
TTAA Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody, IgA
TTAG Tissue Transglutaminase Ab, IgG
TUP T3 Uptake