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Tissue Culture (Anaerobic)
Test CodeC TISAN
Alias/See Also
Anaerobic culture of a tissue or biopsy specimen
Preferred Specimen
Any tissue received in sterile, screw-capped container or anaerobic collection tube
Describe exact source of tissue such as:
Lung tissue, left lower lobe
Tissue, right leg
Tissue, esophageal biopsy
Do not allow sample to dry out. Add a tiny amount of sterile saline if necessary.
Lung tissue, left lower lobe
Tissue, right leg
Tissue, esophageal biopsy
Do not allow sample to dry out. Add a tiny amount of sterile saline if necessary.
Specimen Stability
Send to the the Lab within 30 minutes of collection.
DO NOT refrigerate specimens.
DO NOT place specimens on ice.
DO NOT refrigerate specimens.
DO NOT place specimens on ice.
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Unacceptable specimens:
Tissue received in formalin or other preservative
Excessive transport time
Tissue received in formalin or other preservative
Excessive transport time
Clinical Significance
Anaerobic bacteria cause a variety of human infections. Proper specimen collection and transport, media and incubation are important criteria for the recovery of anaerobes. The Gram stain is a critical test for the rapid, presumptive diagnosis of infectious agents and also serves to assess the quality of clinical specimens. The results of anaerobic culture assist the clinician with the diagnosis and treatment of patients with bacterial infections. Proper interpretation of culture results is dependent on specimen source and known pathogenicity of the isolated organism.