Test Code Test Name
MDFCPCP53 or 1003128 p53 (17p13), deletion by FISH : 1003128
PANCRQ or 10498 Pancreastatin : 10498
PELASQ or 14693 Pancreatic Elastase-1 : 14693
PANPOQ or 39438 Pancreatic Polypeptide : 39438
PARAID or 1004873 Parasite Identification : 1004873
PCAB or 262 Parietal Cell Antibody with Reflex to titer : 262
MDFCPFPNH or 1003013 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) by Flow : 1003013
PTT or 763 Partial Thromboplastin Time, Activated : 763
PARIGM or 8948 Parvovirus B 19 Antibody (IgM) : 8948
PARGMQ or 8946 Parvovirus B19 Antibodies (IgG, IgM) : 8946
PVPQL or 34296 Parvovirus B19 DNA, Qualitative, Real‐Time PCR : 34296
PVPQT or 19724 Parvovirus B19 DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR : 19724
MDFCPPDGFB or 1003118 PDGFRB (5q32) gene rearrangement by FISH : 1003118
QPNTE or 2813 PEANUT (F13) IGE : 2813
QPECAN or 2864 PECAN NUT (F201) IGE : 2864
PGBS or 1000724 Perinatal Group B Streptococcus Culture : 1000724
QPHENC or 6251 Phencyclidine, Urine : 6251
PHENAU or 708 Phenobarbital : 708
PTNFQ or 3189 Phenytoin, Free : 3189
PTNT or 713 Phenytoin, Total : 713
PHOSAU or 718 Phosphate (as Phosphorus) : 718
PSPTG or 11443 Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin (PS/PT) Antibody (IgG) : 11443
PSPTGM or 11447 Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin (PS/PT) Antibody (IgG/IgM) : 11447
PSPTM or 11446 Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin (PS/PT) Antibody (IgM) : 11446
QPISTE or 2726 PISTACHIO (F203) IGE : 2726
RENINQ or 16846 Plasma Renin Activity, LC/MS/MS : 16846
PAIAGQ or 36555 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI 1) Ag : 36555
PAI1Q or 11368 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) 4G/5G : 11368
PLASMA or 4458 Plasminogen Activity : 4458
PAP or 1000693 Platelet Aggregation Profile : 1000693
PLTGMQ or 91744 Platelet Antibodies, Indirect (IgG, IgM) : 91744
PLTGMA or 34327 Platelet Antibodies, Indirect (IgG, IgM, IgA) : 34327
PLTABQ or 5019 Platelet Antibody, Direct, Flow Cytometry : 5019
PLTC or 1000731 Platelet Count : 1000731
PFA1 or 1000713 Platelet PFA Col/Epi with reflex to Platelet PFA Col/ADP : 1000713
MDFCPPMLRAFG or 1003142 PML/RARA t(15;17) by FISH : 1003142
MDFCPPMLRAPG or 1003143 PML/RARA t(15;17) by RT-PCR : 1003143
PTPJPQ or 18835 Pneumocystis jirovecii DNA, Qualitative Real‐Time PCR : 18835
PJQN or 18834 Pneumocystis jirovecii, Quantitative Real-Time PCR : 18834
PNPPCR or 11876 Pneumonia Panel for Respiratory Infections by PCR : 11876
POLIO or 94106 Poliovirus (Types 1, 3) Antibodies, Neutralization : 94106
QPORKE or 2826 PORK (F26) IGE : 2826
UPBGRN or 6329 Porphobilinogen, Quantitative, Random Urine : 6329
PORPP or 5519 Porphyrins, Fractionated, Plasma : 5519
UPOF24 or 729 Porphyrins, Fractionation, Quantitative 24-Hour Urine : 729
UPOFRN or 36592 Porphyrins, Fractionation, Quantitative, Random Urine : 36592
POSACO or 94010 Posaconazole : 94010
PVASQL or 3187 Post Vascetomy, Spermatozoa, Qualitative : 3187
PTADVB or 18122 Post-Transplant, Adenovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18122
PTADVP : 18120 Post-Transplant, Adenovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18120
PTADVR or 18124 Post-Transplant, Adenovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Respiratory : 18124
PTADVS or 18118 Post-Transplant, Adenovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18118
PTADVU or 18126 Post-Transplant, Adenovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Urine : 18126
PTASPB or 18000 Post-Transplant, Aspergillus DNA, Qualitative RT PCR, Blood : 18000
PTASPR or 18001 Post-Transplant, Aspergillus DNA, Qualitative RT PCR, Respiratory : 18001
PTBKVB or 18051 Post-Transplant, BK Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18051
PTBKVP or 18050 Post-Transplant, BK Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18050
PTBKVS or 18049 Post-Transplant, BK Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18049
PTBKVU or 18052 Post-Transplant, BK Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Urine : 18052 
PTCMVL or 18144 Post-Transplant, Cytomegalovirus DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR, Respiratory : 18144
PTCMVB or 18143 Post-Transplant, Cytomegalovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18143
CMVPQN or 18142 Post-Transplant, Cytomegalovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18142
PTCMVS or 18141 Post-Transplant, Cytomegalovirus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18141
PTEBVT or 18092 Post-Transplant, Epstein-Barr Virus DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR, Tissue : 18092
PTEBVB or 18090 Post-Transplant, Epstein-Barr Virus DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18090
PTEBVP or 18089 Post-Transplant, Epstein-Barr Virus DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18089
PTEBVS or 18088 Post-Transplant, Epstein-Barr Virus DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18088
PTHBVP or 18060 Post-Transplant, Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18060
PTHBVS or 18059 Post-Transplant, Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18059
PTHCVP or 18104 Post-Transplant, Hepatitis C Virus RNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18104
PTHCVS or 18103 Post-Transplant, Hepatitis C Virus RNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18103
PTH6PB or 18022 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 6 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18022
PTH6PP or 18020 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 6 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18020
PTH6PS or 18018 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 6 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18018
PTHV7B or 18078 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 7 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18078
PTHV7P or 18076 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 7 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18076
PTHV7S or 18074 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 7 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18074
PTHV8B or 18132 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 8 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18132
PTHV8P or 18130 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 8 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18130
PTHV8S or 18128 Post-Transplant, Herpesvirus 8 DNA, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18128
PTHIVP or 18003 Post-Transplant, HIV-1 RNA, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18003
PTJCCF or 18011 Post-Transplant, JC Virus DNA, RT PCR, CSF : 18011
PTJCP or 18010 Post-Transplant, JC Virus DNA, RT PCR, Plasma : 18010
PTJCS or 18009 Post-Transplant, JC Virus DNA, RT PCR, Serum : 18009
PTJCUR or 18007 Post-Transplant, JC Virus DNA, RT PCR, Urine : 18007
PTPVPB or 18070 Post-Transplant, Parvovirus B19 DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18070
PTPVPP or 18068 Post-Transplant, Parvovirus B19 DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18068
PTPVPS or 18066 Post-Transplant, Parvovirus B19 DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18066
PTPJR or 18005 Post-Transplant, Pneumocystis jirovecii, Real-Time PCR, Respiratory : 18005
PTTOXC or 18155 Post-Transplant, Toxoplasma gondii DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR, CSF : 18155
PTTOXP or 18153 Post-Transplant, Toxoplasma gondii DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR, Plasma : 18153
PTTOXS or 18154 Post-Transplant, Toxoplasma gondii DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR, Serum : 18154
PTVZVB or 18146 Post-Transplant, Varicella-Zoster Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, Blood : 18146
PTVZVC or 18148 Post-Transplant, Varicella-Zoster Virus DNA, Real-Time PCR, CSF : 18148
U24KAU or 734 Potassium, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine : 734
24PMAU or 11316 Potassium, 24-Hour Urine without Creatinine : 11316
URKAU or 8347 Potassium, Random Urine with Creatinine : 8347
UKAU or 14521 Potassium, Random Urine without Creatinine : 14521
KAU or 733 Potassium, Serum : 733
PRALBM or 4847 Prealbumin : 4847
PREGQ or 31493 Pregnenolone, LC/MS : 31493
MDFCPPRESTRDG or 1003144 Pre-transplant STR Analysis-Donor by PCR : 1003144
MDFCPPRESTRRG or 1003145 Pre-transplant STR Analysis-Recipient by PCR : 1003145
PROCAQ or 16265 Procalcitonin : 16265
PROGC or 745 Progesterone : 745
PINSUL or 760 Proinsulin : 760
PROLA or 746 Prolactin : 746
PRLSTD or 40049 Prolactin, Dilution Study : 40049
PROLTM or 16122 Prolactin, Total and Monomeric : 16122
PROPA or 6278 Propafenone : 6278
PRTCAC or 1777 Protein C Activity : 1777
PRCSAC or 39457 Protein C and Protein S, Functional : 39457
PRTC or 1000745 Protein C Antigen : 1000745
UPE24H or 750 Protein Electrophoresis, 24-Hour Urine : 750
UPEIFE or 38944 Protein Electrophoresis, 24-Hour Urine, with Immunofixation : 38944
UPERAN or 8525 Protein Electrophoresis, Total Protein, Random Urine : 8525
SPERIT or 10269 Protein Electrophoresis, with Total Protein and Reflex to IFE, Serum : 10269
UPE24R or 10263 Protein Electrophoresis,with Total Protein, reflex to IFE, Urine : 10263
PRTSAC or 1779 Protein S Activity : 1779
PROTSF or 10170 Protein S Antigen, Free : 10170
PROTST or 5165 Protein S Antigen, Total : 5165
PRTSFT or 36457 Protein S Antigen, Total and Free : 36457
ALBTPU or 7577 Protein, Total and Albumin : 7577
SPEP or 747 Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis : 747
SPETYP or 24269 Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis with Immunofixation (IFE), Serum : 24629
SPEPWI or 7892 Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, with Scan : 7892
24PRAU or 11320 Protein, Total, 24 Hour Urine without  Creatinine : 11320
U24PAU or 757 Protein, Total, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine : 757
CSPRAU or 755 Protein, Total, CSF : 755
TPPRAU or 17429 Protein, Total, Pericardial Fluid : 17429
TPPTAU or 17428 Protein, Total, Peritoneal Fluid : 17428
TPPLAU or 17427 Protein, Total, Pleural Fluid : 17427
UPMGAU or 1715 Protein, Total, Random Urine with Creatinine : 1715
TPAU or 754 Protein, Total, Serum : 754
TPSYAU or 4404 Protein, Total, Synovial Fluid : 4404
PR3 or 1000736 Proteinase 3 Antibody : 1000736
PT2GTQ or 17909 Prothrombin (Factor II) 20210G>A Mutation Analysis : 17909
PTMXS or 1003180 Prothrombin Mixing Study : 1003180
PTINR or 8847 Prothrombin Time with INR : 8847
PTPTT or 4914 Prothrombin with INR and Partial Thromboplastin Times : 4914
PSATFX or 31348 PSA, Free and Total : 31348
PSAHSX or 14808 PSA, Post Prostatectomy : 14808
PSATTC or 5363 PSA, Total : 5363
PTHCAX or 8837 PTH, Intact and Calcium : 8837
PTHX or 35202 PTH, Intact without Calcium : 35202
PTHFNX or 16560 PTH, Intact, Fine Needle Aspirate : 16560
PTHP or 34478 PTH-Related Protein (PTH-rP) : 34478