Test Code Test Name
HINFBG or 35135 Haemophilus influenzae Type B Antibody (IgG) : 35135
HAPTOG or 502 Haptoglobin : 502
QHZNTE or 2817 HAZELNUT (F17) IGE : 2817
HCGC or 19485 hCG with Gestational Table : 19485
HCGUQL or 396 hCG, Qualitative Urine : 396
HCGSQL or 8435 hCG, Total, Qualitative : 8435
BHCGC or 8396 hCG, Total, Quantitative : 8396
HCVQNT or 35645 HCV RNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR : 35645
HDLAU or 608 HDL Cholesterol : 608
HEMTCU or 14573 Heavy Metals Comprehensive Panel, Urine : 14573
HEMTVS or 7655 Heavy Metals Panel (Venous) : 7655
HMCDHR or 35386 Heavy Metals Panel with Cadmium, 24-Hour Urine : 35386
HMTCDU or 15110 Heavy Metals Panel with Cadmium, Random Urine : 15110
HEMTHR or 36438 Heavy Metals Panel, 24-Hour Urine : 36438
HEMTCA or 39128 Heavy Metals Panel, Capillary : 39128
HEMTRU or 7507 Heavy Metals Panel, Random Urine : 7507
HPYAFQ or 34838 Helicobacter pylori Antigen, EIA, Stool : 34838
HPYC or 1000483 Helicobacter pylori Culture : 1000483
QHPYBR or 14839 Helicobacter pylori, Urea Breath Test : 14839
HCT or 1000431 Hematocrit : 1000431
HGB or 1000458 Hemoglobin : 1000458
HGBA1C or 496 Hemoglobin A1c : 496
HGA1AG or 16802 Hemoglobin A1c with eAG : 16802
HH or 1000465 Hemoglobin and Hematocrit : 1000465
HGBE or 1000459 Hemoglobin Electrophoresis : 1000459
PHGBN or 514 Hemoglobin, Free, Plasma : 514
HEPXA or 30292 Heparin, Anti-Xa : 30292
HIT or 1000467 Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Antibodies (HIT) : 1000467
HFPAU or 10256 Hepatic Function Panel : 10256
HAVTC or 508 Hepatitis A Antibody, Total : 508
HAVTRC or 36504 Hepatitis A Antibody, Total, with Reflex to IgM : 36504
HAVMC or 512 Hepatitis A IgM Antibody : 512
HBVCMC or 4848 Hepatitis B Core Antibody (IgM) : 4848
HBVCTC or 501 Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total : 501
HBVCRM or 37676 Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total, with Reflex to IgM : 37676
HBVSTC or 8475 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Immunity, Quantitative : 8475
HBSABC or 499 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Qualitative : 499
HBSAGR or 498 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen with Reflex Confirmation : 498
HBVQNT or 8369 Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR : 8369
HBVG or 10529 Hepatitis B Virus Drug Resistance, Genotype, and BCP/Precore Mutations : 10529
QHBEAB or 556 Hepatitis Be Antibody : 556
QHBEAG or 555 Hepatitis Be Antigen : 555
QHBEB or 27 Hepatitis Be Panel : 27
HCVABC or 8472 Hepatitis C Antibody with Reflex to HCV, RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR : 8472
HCVGT or 37811 Hepatitis C Viral RNA, Genotype, LiPA : 37811
HCVQNR or 11348 Hepatitis C Viral RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR with Reflex to Genotype LiPA : 11348
HEPDAB or 4990 Hepatitis D Antibody, Total : 4990
HEPEG or 36583 Hepatitis E Antibody (IgG) : 36583
HEPEM or 36582 Hepatitis E Antibody (IgM) : 36582
AHPC or 10306 Hepatitis Panel, Acute with Relex to Confirmation : 10306
HEPBSC or 6462 Hepatitis Panel, General : 6462
MDFCPHER2F or 1001051 HER2 by FISH : 1001051
HHDMAQ or 35079 Hereditary Hemochromatosis DNA Mutation Analysis : 35079
HSV1GG or 3636 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (IgG), Type-Specific Antibody : 3636
HSV12G or 6447 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (IgG), Type-Specific Antibodies : 6447
HSV2GG or 3640 Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (IgG), Type-Specific Antibody : 3640
QHSVCR or 2649 Herpes Simplex Virus Culture with Reflex Typing : 2649
HSVPQT or 19502 Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 1 and 2 DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR : 19502
HSVPAP or 90569 Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 1 and 2 DNA, Real‐Time PCR, Pap Vial : 90569
HSVPQL or 34257 Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 1&2, Qualitative, Real‐Time PCR : 34257
HV8PCR or 19798 Herpes Virus 8 DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR : 19798
HV6PQL or 16001 Herpesvirus 6 (HHV‐6) DNA, Qualitative Real‐Time PCR : 16001
HV6PQT or 19723 Herpesvirus 6 (HHV‐6) DNA, Quantitative, Real‐Time PCR : 19723
HV7NT or 19727 Herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR : 19727
HV8QL or 15873 Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR : 15873
QHERP8 or 37959 Herpesvirus 8 IgG Antibody : 37959
MONOSC or 654 Heterophile, Mono Screen : 654
HISTAM or 36586 Histamine, Plasma : 36586
HISTOQ or 37056 Histone Antibodies : 37056
UHISAG or 91212 Histoplasma Galactomannan Antigen, Urine : 91212
HIVQNT or 40085 HIV 1 RNA, Quantitative Real Time PCR : 40085
HVCORP or 91299 HIV-1 Coreceptor Tropism, Proviral DNA : 91299
HIVCOR or 94014 HIV-1 Coreceptor Tropism, Ultradeep Sequencing : 94014
HIVDNA or 8401 HIV-1 DNA, Qualitative, PCR : 8401
HIVGNT or 91692 HIV-1 Genotype (RTI, PI, Integrase Inhibitors) : 91692
HIV1G or 34949 HIV-1 Genotyping, DNA Sequencing : 34949
HIVITG or 16868 HIV-1 Integrase Genotype : 16868
HIVPRO or 94807 HIV-1 Resistance, Proviral DNA (RTI, PI, Integrase Inhibitors) : 94807
HIV1QL or 16185 HIV‐1 RNA, Qualitative Real‐Time PCR : 16185
HIVSCN or 93170 HIV-1/2 Antibody Differentiation (Supplemental Use Only) with Reflex HIV-1 RNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR : 93170
HIVAAX or 91431 HIV-1/2 Antigen and Antibodies, Fourth Generation, with Reflexes : 91431
CELHLQ or 17135 HLA Typing for Celiac Disease : 17135
HB27Q or 528 HLA-B27 Antigen : 528
HMCYC or 31789 Homocysteine : 31789
HPVPC2 or 1003258 HPV (Human papillomavirus) High Risk by Real-Time PCR, Cervical : 1003258
CRPHIS or 10124 hs-CRP : 10124
HTLVQ or 36175 HTLV-I/II Antibody with reflex to Confirmatory Assay : 36175
NEUABS or 90138 Hu, Yo, and Ri Antibodies with Reflex to Titers and Western Blot : 90138
HSENSQ or 14978X Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Screen : 14978X
SULFP or 19595 Hypoglycemic Panel, Serum/Plasma : 19595