Test Code Test Name
24MGQ or 11322 Magnesium, 24-Hour Urine without Creatinine : 11322
ACRABR or 10104 Myasthenia Gravis Panel 2 : 10104
ACRABT or 10211 Myasthenia Gravis Panel 3 : 10211
HETER or 1000454 Monospot : 1000454
MAGIGM or 10063 Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) Antibody, with Reflex to MAG-SGPG and MAG, EIA : 10063
MAGNRB or 623 Magnesium, RBC : 623
MANGAR or 16594 Manganese, RBC : 16594
MANGAS or 951 Manganese, Serum : 951
MANGRU or 6138 Manganese, Random Urine : 6183
MANHHR or 37966 Manganese, 24-Hour Urine : 37966
MATAFQ or 5059 Maternal Serum AFP : 5059
MATQSQ or 30294 Maternal Serum Quad Screen : 30294
MDEVC or 1004848 Medical Device Culture : 1004848
MDFCPCMALT1 or 1002730 MALT1 (18q21) gene rearrangement by FISH : 1002730
MDFCPCMDSP or 1001100 MDS Panel by FISH : 1001100
MDFCPCMLLGR or 1001109 MLL gene rearrangement (11q23) by FISH : 1001109
MDFCPCMMP or 1001101 Multiple Myeloma Panel by Fish : 1001101
MDFCPCMONO5 or 1003127 Monosomy 5/deletion 5q by FISH : 1003127
MDFCPCMONO7 or 1001110 Monosomy 7/deletion 7q by FISH : 1001110
MDFCPCMYB or 1002648 MYB-6q23 deletion by FISH : 1002648
MDFCPMDSSEQ or 1016476 MDS Mutation Analysis Only : 1016476
MDFCPMIMPNSEQ or 1016704 MPN Mini Profile : 1016704
MDFCPMPNSEQ or 1016121 MPN Profile : 1016121
MDFCPMSI or 1001058 Microsatellite Instability for HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome by PCR : 1001058
MDFCPMYLSEQ or 1016478 Myeloid Neoplasm Mutation Analysis Only : 1016478
MDFCPNGSMEL or 1015610 MELANOMASEQPlus : 1015610
MDFCPNGSMEL3 or 1015862 MELANOMASEQ : 1015862
MEASMQ or 34256 Measles Antibody (IgM) : 34256
MERCHR or 36441 Mercury, 24-Hour Urine : 36441
MERCYB or 636 Mercury, Blood : 636
MERCYR or 637 Mercury, Random Urine : 637
METF or 19548 Metanephrines, Fractionated, Free, LC/MS/MS, Plasma : 19548
MGAU or 622 Magnesium : 622
MHOURE or 1001865 Mycoplasma hominis/Ureaplasma Culture : 1001865
MITOAB or 259 Mitochrondrial Antibody with Reflex to Titer : 259
MLH1Q or 39782 MLH1 Methylation : 39782
MMAQ or 34879 Methylmalonic Acid : 34879
MMRQ or 5259 Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Antibodies (IgG) Panel, Immune Status : 5259
MPL or 92476 MPL Mutation Analysis : 92476
MPNABM or 1000635 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibody, IgM : 1000635
MPNEU or 34127 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibodies (IgG, IgM) : 34127
MPOAB or 1000638 Myeloperoxidase Antibody : 1000638
MPOXQ or 12084 Mpox Virus DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR : 12084
MRSAC or 1000640 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Culture : 1000640
MRSAPC or 17656 Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus, PCR : 17656
MSPORA or 3562 Microsporidia Exam : 3562
MTHFRQ or 17911 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR), DNA Mutation Analysis : 17911
MTXAU or 648 Methotrexate : 648
MUMMQ or 36565 Mumps Virus Antibody (IgM) : 36565
MUMPGB or 8624 Mumps Virus Antibody (IgG), Immune Status : 8624
MYCOA or 10662 Mycophenolic Acid, LC/MS/MS : 10662
MYCOG or 261 Myocardial Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer : 261
MYELBP or 663 Myelin Basic Protein : 663
MYGLBN or 660 Myoglobin, Serum : 660
MYOGU : 1001826 Myoglobin, Urine : 1001826
MYOSIT or 94777 Myositis Specific 11 Antibody Panel : 94777
QBOXEL or 2501 MAPLE (BOXER) (T1) IGE : 2501
QCEDE or 2506 MOUNTAIN CEDAR (T6) IGE : 2506
QCORN or 2808 MAIZE/CORN (F8) IGE :2808
QMACAD or 38475 MACADAMIA NUT (RF345) IGE : 38475
RTBRIF or 1005092 Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection and Rifampin resistance (rpoB gene), Rapid by real-time PCR : 1005092
RUBOGB or 964 Measles Antibody (IgG), Immune Status : 964
UCANDC or 15722 Marijuana Metabolite, with Ratio, Urine : 15722
UMET24 or 1016511 Metanephrines, Fractionated, LC/MS/MS, 24-Hour Urine : 1016511
UMETRN or 1016516 Metanephrines, Fractionated, LC/MS/MS, Random Urine : 1016516