Test Code Test Name
FUNG Culture, Fungus
BLF Culture, Fungus, Blood
92771 F2-Isoprostane/Creatinine Ratio
19199 Factor 13a, IHC with Interpretation [19199X]
19338 Factor 13a, IHC without Interpetation [19338X]
17092 Factor 8, IHC with Interpretation [17092X]
19198 Factor 8, IHC without Interpretation [19198X]
331 Factor II Activity, Clotting
17845 Factor IX Activity and Human Inhibitor
29133 Factor IX Activity, Clotting [352X]
91053 Factor IX Antigen
17900 Factor V (Leiden) Mutation Analysis
17904 Factor V (Leiden) Mutation Analysis with Reflex to HR2 Mutation Analysis
17844 Factor V Activity and Human Inhibitor
17902 Factor V HR2 Allele DNA Mutation Analysis
16049 Factor VIII Activity, Chromogenic
70050 Factor VIII Activity, Clotting, Reflex to Chromogenic
90879 Factor VIII Antigen
40083 Factor VIII Inhibitor Panel
F8I Factor VIII Inhibitor, Plasma
F8QT Factor VIII, Plasma
10663 Factor X Activity, Chromogenic
17854 Factor XI Activity and Human Inhibitor
16023 Factor XI Mutation Analysis (Ashkenazi-Jewish)
42033 Factor XIII Screen
16178 Factor XIII V34L Mutation Analysis
2404 False Ragweed (w4) IgE [2404X]
90912 Familial Dysautonomia Mutation Analysis
92045 Familial Hyperinsulinism
16141 Familial Mediterranean Fever Mutation Analysis
16142 Familial Mediterranean Fever Mutation Analysis (NY)
90897 Fanconi Anemia DNA Mutation Analysis
16835 Fascin, IHC with Interpretation
16986 Fascin, IHC without Interpretation
5741 Fastidious Pathogen MIC [17457X]
4544 FAX Report (Nonclient)
91121 Febrile Antibodies Panel
3967 Fecal Fat, Qualitative
455 Fecal Fat, Total, Quantitative
11290 Fecal Globin by Immunochemistry (InSure®)
562 Fecal Leukocyte Stain [3930X]
3081 Felbamate
37180 Fentanyl Analogs Confirm
40065 Fentanyl and Norfentanyl, Serum
28992 Fentanyl Presumptive Screen, Serum/Plasma
Fern Test Fern Test
25458 Ferret Epithelium (Re217) IgE** [2545X]
457 Ferritin
FERR Ferritin, Plasma or Serum
FFIBR Fetal Fibrinonectin Assay, Cervicovaginal Secretion
513 Fetal Hemoglobin
10232 Fetal Hemoglobin, Amniotic Fluid (NY)
FEDX Fetaldex Work-up, Blood
91931 FGF-23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23)
461 Fibrinogen Activity, Clauss
37801 Fibrinogen Antigen, Nephelometry
19903 Fibrinogen Comprehensive Panel with Consultation
14458 Fibrinogen Comprehensive Panel without Consultation
FBGG Fibrinogen, Plasma
90923 Fibrinolysis Comprehensive Panel
16171 Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF2)
23861 Ficus Species (k81) IgE
34168 Filaria Antibody (IgG4)
15520 Finch Feathers (Re214) IgE** [15520X]
27398 Fire Ant (i70) IgE [2739X]
24178 Firebush (w17) IgE [2417X]
16145 First Trimester Screen, hCG
16968 First Trimester Screen, hCG (NY)
16020 First Trimester Screen, Hyperglycosylated hCG (h-hCG)
16969 First Trimester Screen, Hyperglycosylated hCG (h-hCG) (NY)
10635 FISH, AML, CBFB/MYH11, Inversion 16
14617 FISH, APL, PML/RARA, Translocation 15, 17
14614 FISH, Cri du Chat
14610 FISH, DiGeorge, Velocardiofacial Syndrome (VCFS)
14618 FISH, ETV6/RUNX1 (TEL/AML1), Translocation (12;21)
14615 FISH, Kallmann
14656 FISH, Locus-specific Probe (x2)
19799 FISH, MDS/Myeloid Panel, -5/5q-, -7/7q-, +8, 20q-
92495 FISH, Myeloma, Chromosomes CEP 9, 11, 15
16115 FISH, Oligodendroglioma, 1p/19q [16115X]
14604 FISH, Prenatal Screen
14611 FISH, Smith-Magenis
14606 FISH, SRY/X Centromere
14609 FISH, Williams
14613 FISH, Wolf-Hirschhorn
14607 FISH, X Linked Ichthyosis Steroid Sulfatase Deficiency
14619 FISH, X/Y, Post Opposite Sex Bone Marrow Transplant
11011 Flaxseed (f333) IgE**
5309 Flecainide
557858 Flexitest 10
557850 Flexitest 2
557851 Flexitest 3
557852 Flexitest 4
557853 Flexitest 5

Flexitest 6

557855 Flexitest 7
557856 Flexitest 8
557857 Flexitest 9
94097 Fluconazole
13821 Fluconazole MIC
901261 Flucytosine, Serum/Plasma
1273 Fluid Culture II, Progressive
127350 Fluid Culture II, Progressive
5825 Fluid Culture, Progressive 
18964 Flunitrazepam and Metabolites, Quantitative, Serum
18886 Flunitrazepam and Metabolites, Quantitative, Urine
10203 Fluoride, Plasma
92095 Fluoroquinolone Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Culture with Susceptibility
8389 Fluoxetine
92021 Fluphenazine, Serum/Plasma
30529 Fluvoxamine, Serum/Plasma
FOL Folate, Plasma or Serum
467 Folate, RBC
466 Folate, Serum
8041 Folic Acid, Red Blood Cell
FSH Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Plasma or Serum
15007 Follicular Lymphoma, BCL-2/JH t(14;18), Real-Time PCR, Cell-based
16103 Fondaparinux Sodium (Xa Inhibition) [16103X]
8072 Food Allergy Panel #12
53792 Food Allergy Panel #3 (5379)
64692 Food Allergy Panel #9
10715 Food Allergy Profile [10715X]
91682 Food Allergy Profile with Reflexes
36762 Food and Tree Nut Allergy Panel
36763 Food and Tree Nut Allergy Panel with Reflex to Components
49522 Food Panel #1
37334 Food Specific IgG Allergy Panel 2
38141 Food Specific IgG Haddock
17075 Formaldehyde/Formalin (k80) IgE**
16300 Fragile X DNA Analysis, Fetus
183191 Free Morphine, Bile (Postmortem only)
15072 Free Progesterone Profile
115281 Friedreich Ataxia (FXN) Repeat Expansion Test
8340 Fructosamine
29812 Fructose, Semen
FRUC Fructose, Semen
470 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
7137 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone), Serum
36087 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), Pediatrics
36176 FSH and LH, Pediatrics
19200 FSH, IHC with Interpretation [19200X]
19339 FSH, IHC without Interpretation [19339X]
17029 FSHD Southern Blot Test
4112 FTA-ABS
FTA FTA-ABS Test System for Treponema pallidum Antibody, Serum
36563 Fungal Antibody Panel 2, ID and CF
39752 Fungal Antibody Panel, Serum
FNGC Fungal Culture, CSF
18335 Fungal Disease Antibody, CF (CSF)
7578 Fungal Identification, Molds [39489X]
37699 Fungal Panel 3, Immunodiffusion
16579 Fungal Sequencing, ITS Region
8627 Fungal Stain [8627X]
18693 Fungal Stain, Calcofluor, Skin, Hair or Nails [14824X]
16283 Fungitell® (1-3)-ß-D-Glucan Assay
36327 Fungitell® (1-3)--D-Glucan Assay, Endpoint
12220 Fungus Culture (Sterile Fluids)
FS Fungus Smear
66968 Fusarium moniliforme (m9) IgE [6696X]
OCCB Occult Blood, Feces
OAP Ova and Parasites, Feces
FWP Wet Preparation, Fungus