Test Code

CPT Codes

Preferred Specimen
1 mL serum

Minimum Volume
0.2 mL

Transport Container
Plastic screw-cap vial

Transport Temperature
Room temperature

Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 7 days
Refrigerated: 14 days
Frozen: 30 days

Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Gross hemolysis • Grossly lipemic

Immunofluorescent Assay (IFA)

Setup Schedule
Set up: Mon-Fri; Report available: 1-4 days

Reference Range

Clinical Significance
The FTA-ABS is a specific treponemal assay to detect antibody to T. pallidum. The FTA-ABS becomes reactive 4-6 weeks after infection. Unlike the nontreponemal tests, once the FTA-ABS test becomes reactive, it will remain reactive for many years. Since the reactivity found with the FTA-ABS does not indicate response to therapy, it is not suitable for monitoring treatment. The FTA-ABS test does not distinguish between syphilis and other treponematoses such as yaws, pinta and bejil.

Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
14225 Newbrook Drive
Chantilly, VA 20153

The CPT Codes provided in this document are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed. Any Profile/panel component may be ordered separately. Reflex tests are performed at an additional charge.