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Erythrocyte Porphyrin (EP), Whole Blood
Test CodeRBC Porphyrins
Alias/See Also
ARUP test code 20610
Free Erythrocyte Porphyrin
Porphyrins (FEP)
Protoporphyrin, Free Erythrocyte (FEP)
Protoporphyrins, Total, Erythrocytes
RBC Porphyrins
Red Blood Cell Porphyrins
Free Erythrocyte Porphyrin
Porphyrins (FEP)
Protoporphyrin, Free Erythrocyte (FEP)
Protoporphyrins, Total, Erythrocytes
RBC Porphyrins
Red Blood Cell Porphyrins
CPT Codes
Protect from light during collection, storage, and shipment. Transfer 1 mL whole blood to an ARUP Amber Transport Tube.
See link below for specimen details, methodology, setup schedule and reference ranges.
See link below for specimen details, methodology, setup schedule and reference ranges.
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Specimens not collected in EDTA. Clotted specimens. Specimen should be tested for lead FIRST to avoid potential contamination problems. Specimens not protected from light acceptable with a disclaimer.
FDA Status
Additional Information
Erythrocyte Porphyrin (EP), Whole Blood