Wound Culture (Aerobic)

Anaerobic culture of a wound specimen refer to C WDAN
Wound culture for AFB (includes AFB smear), TB, Mycobacteria, MAC, MAI, atypical Mycobacteria refer to C AFB
Wound for FUNGUS culture (mould) refer to C F 

Test Code

Routine culture of wound includes gram stain

Preferred Specimen
Any non sterile body site, using needle aspiration, eSwab, or routine culture swabs.
In general, aspirations are preferred for all specimens (cellulitis / rash / deep suppurative lesions, abscess, breast milk, fistula, nasal aspirate collected via rigid endoscopy or by maxillary sinus puncture and aspiration) -  all should be submitted in a sterile screw-capped container.
Gastric aspirate (for neonates only) should be submitted in a sterile screw-capped container and neutralized within 15 min after receipt.
May submit "hardware" items such as stent pieces, implants, screws, pacemaker leads, sutures etc. in a sterile screw-capped container.

All other specimens preferentially should be collected using an eSwab in Amies transport medium.
May accept routine culture swabs with transport media (Amies).

Please indicate site / source of sample submitted

Minimum Volume
Aspirations (examples include Breast milk, abscess) minimal volume: 1ml

NOTE: Collect to minimize contamination by normal flora. 
Describe exact type and location of wound. Examples include:
Left leg laceration
Right hand cellulitis from dog bite
Chest tube drainage
Sternal wound
Deep suppurative lesions
Breast milk
NOTE: For pacemaker wires, sutures, etc. use surgical or skin site prep. Remove device (2-3 inches) or whatever is available. Transport in a sterile, screw-capped container.

Transport Container
Sterile screw capped container for aspirations, eSwab, or routine culture swabs.

Transport Temperature
Ambient / Room Temperature

Specimen Stability
For Fluids / Aspirates: Send to the Lab within 30 minutes of collection. Specimens received after 24 hours will be rejected and the test cancelled.

For Swabs: Send to the Lab within 2 hours of collection. Specimens received after 24 hours will be rejected and test cancelled.
Eswab is stable fo up to 48 hours.
For Hardware (stent pieces, implants, screws, pacemaker wires, sutures, etc.): Send to lab immediately. If specimen is received after 24 hours it will be rejected and test cancelled.

For Gastric Aspirate: NOTE - Due to possible acidity of specimen, it is imperative to send to the Lab within 30 minutes.

Specimens should be sent ambient / room temperature.

Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Unacceptable specimens:
Swabs in Viral Transport Medium
Excessive transport time 
Dry swabs
Routine bacterial cultures of nasal washes and nasal aspirates not invasively collected by nasal endoscopy or sinus puncture and aspiration.
Specimens NOT in a sterile container

Routine culture

Clinical Significance
Deep wound/abscess infections are often caused by a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Proper specimen collection and transport, media and incubation are important criteria for the recovery of organisms.  The Gram stain is a critical test for the rapid, presumptive diagnosis of infectious agents and also serves to assess the quality of clinical specimens. The results of aerobic/anaerobic cultures assist the clinician with diagnosis and treatment of patients with bacterial infections. Proper interpretation of culture results is dependent on specimen source and known pathogenicity of the isolated organism.

The CPT Codes provided in this document are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed. Any Profile/panel component may be ordered separately. Reflex tests are performed at an additional charge.