Test Code Test Name
3557 Gabapentin
16613 Galactosemia Mutation Analysis
37654 Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid Screen, Serum/Plasma
37653 Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid Screen, Urine
901265 Ganciclovir, Serum/Plasma
90131 Ganglioside Antibody Panel 6
39462 Ganglioside Asialo-GM-1 Antibody (IgG), EIA
28478 Garlic (f47) IgE [2847X]
478 Gastrin
19201 Gastrin, IHC with Interpretation
19340 Gastrin, IHC without Interpretation [19340X]
90907 Gaucher Disease, DNA Mutation Analysis
C GC GS GC Culture w/GS Pnl
C GC GC Culture w/o GS
17044 Gelatin Porcine IgE* [17044X]
35352 Gelatin, Bovine (c74) IgE
14594 Genetics, Fibroblast Biopsy
C Genital GS Genital Culture w/GS Pnl
C Genital Genital Culture w/o GS
Gent Gentamicin Level
GentPk Gentamicin Peak
GentTr Gentamicin Trough
26148 Gerbil (Re209) IgE** [2614X]
24038 Giant Ragweed (Tall) (w3) IgE [2403X]
26448 Ginger (f270) IgE [2644X]
19203 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, IHC with Interpretation [19203X]
193428 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, IHC without Interpretation [19342X]
519 Glucagon
19205 Glucagon, IHC with Interpretation [19205X]
19344 Glucagon, IHC without Interpretation [19344X]
GTT2HPP Glucose 2 Hour Postprandial
BFGlu Glucose Body Fluid
CSFGlu Glucose CSF
Glu Glucose Level
GLUSER3 Glucose Series 3 CS
GTT2 Glucose Tolerance 2 Hr Panel
GTT3 Glucose Tolerance 3 Hr Panel
GTT4 Glucose Tolerance 4 Hr Panel
GTT5 Glucose Tolerance 5 Hr Panel
GTT6 Glucose Tolerance 6 Hr Panel
UGluQl Glucose Urine Qual
17423 Glucose, Amniotic Fluid
17641 Glucose, Pericardial Fluid
500 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Quantitative
34878 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-65 Antibody
28548 Gluten (f79) IgE [2854X]
90915 Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia Mutation Analysis (Ashkenazi Jewish)
19206 Glycophorin A, IHC with Interpretation [19206X]
19345 Glycophorin A, IHC without Interpretation [19345X]
27278 Glycyphagus domesticus (d73) IgE [2727X]
90162 Glypican 3, IHC with Interpretation
90212 Glypican 3, IHC without Interpretation
26568 Goat Epithelia (e80) IgE [2656X]
29228 Goat Milk (Rf300) IgE** [2922X]
8827 Gold, Serum/Plasma
24128 Goldenrod (w12) IgE [2412X]
65750 Gonococcus Culture #2
65751 Gonococcus Culture #3
26618 Goose Feathers (e70) IgE [2661X]
900584 GQ1b Antibody Test
GS Gram Stain
19207 Granzyme B, IHC with Intepretation [19207X]
19346 Granzyme B, IHC without Interpretation [19346X]
26758 Grape (f259) IgE [2675X]
29238 Grapefruit (f209) IgE [2923X]
37912 Grass Panel #2
2680 Green Bean (f315) IgE**
29318 Green Pepper (Unripe)(f263) IgE** [2931X]
192028 Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein 15, IHC w/Interp [19202X]
19341 Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein 15, IHC without Interpretation [19341X]
C Grp B Strep Group B Strep Culture
521 Growth Hormone (GH)
19204 Growth Hormone (GH), IHC with Interpretation [19204X]
19343 Growth Hormone (GH), IHC without Intepretation [19343X]
2682 Guar Bean Gum (f246) IgE
260689 Guinea Pig Epithelia (e6) IgE [2606X]
23893 Gulf Flounder (rf147) IgE**
106128 Gum Xanthan IgE* [10612X]