Test Code Test Name
106128 Gum Xanthan IgE* [10612X]
14594 Genetics, Fibroblast Biopsy
16613 Galactosemia Mutation Analysis
17044 Gelatin Porcine IgE* [17044X]
17423 Glucose, Amniotic Fluid
17641 Glucose, Pericardial Fluid
19201 Gastrin, IHC with Interpretation
192028 Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein 15, IHC w/Interp [19202X]
19203 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, IHC with Interpretation [19203X]
19204 Growth Hormone (GH), IHC with Interpretation [19204X]
19205 Glucagon, IHC with Interpretation [19205X]
19206 Glycophorin A, IHC with Interpretation [19206X]
19207 Granzyme B, IHC with Intepretation [19207X]
19340 Gastrin, IHC without Interpretation [19340X]
19341 Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein 15, IHC without Interpretation [19341X]
193428 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, IHC without Interpretation [19342X]
19343 Growth Hormone (GH), IHC without Intepretation [19343X]
19344 Glucagon, IHC without Interpretation [19344X]
19345 Glycophorin A, IHC without Interpretation [19345X]
19346 Granzyme B, IHC without Interpretation [19346X]
23893 Gulf Flounder (rf147) IgE**
24038 Giant Ragweed (Tall) (w3) IgE [2403X]
24128 Goldenrod (w12) IgE [2412X]
260689 Guinea Pig Epithelia (e6) IgE [2606X]
26148 Gerbil (Re209) IgE** [2614X]
26448 Ginger (f270) IgE [2644X]
26568 Goat Epithelia (e80) IgE [2656X]
26618 Goose Feathers (e70) IgE [2661X]
26758 Grape (f259) IgE [2675X]
2680 Green Bean (f315) IgE**
2682 Guar Bean Gum (f246) IgE
27278 Glycyphagus domesticus (d73) IgE [2727X]
28478 Garlic (f47) IgE [2847X]
28548 Gluten (f79) IgE [2854X]
29228 Goat Milk (Rf300) IgE** [2922X]
29238 Grapefruit (f209) IgE [2923X]
29318 Green Pepper (Unripe)(f263) IgE** [2931X]
34878 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-65 Antibody
35352 Gelatin, Bovine (c74) IgE
3557 Gabapentin
37653 Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid Screen, Urine
37654 Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid Screen, Serum/Plasma
37912 Grass Panel #2
39462 Ganglioside Asialo-GM-1 Antibody (IgG), EIA
478 Gastrin
500 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Quantitative
519 Glucagon
521 Growth Hormone (GH)
65750 Gonococcus Culture #2
65751 Gonococcus Culture #3
8827 Gold, Serum/Plasma
900584 GQ1b Antibody Test
901265 Ganciclovir, Serum/Plasma
90131 Ganglioside Antibody Panel 6
90162 Glypican 3, IHC with Interpretation
90212 Glypican 3, IHC without Interpretation
90907 Gaucher Disease, DNA Mutation Analysis
90915 Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia Mutation Analysis (Ashkenazi Jewish)
BFGlu Glucose Body Fluid
C GC GC Culture w/o GS
C GC GS GC Culture w/GS Pnl
C Genital Genital Culture w/o GS
C Genital GS Genital Culture w/GS Pnl
C Grp B Strep Group B Strep Culture
CSFGlu Glucose CSF
Gent Gentamicin Level
GentPk Gentamicin Peak
GentTr Gentamicin Trough
Glu Glucose Level
GLUSER3 Glucose Series 3 CS
GS Gram Stain
GTT2 Glucose Tolerance 2 Hr Panel
GTT2HPP Glucose 2 Hour Postprandial
GTT3 Glucose Tolerance 3 Hr Panel
GTT4 Glucose Tolerance 4 Hr Panel
GTT5 Glucose Tolerance 5 Hr Panel
GTT6 Glucose Tolerance 6 Hr Panel
UGluQl Glucose Urine Qual