Test Code Test Name
10063 Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) Antibody, with Reflex to MAG-SGPG and MAG, EIA
14962 Metanephrines, Fractionated, LC/MS/MS, 24-Hour Urine
30321 Mitochondria M2 Antibody (IgG), EIA
34879 Methylmalonic Acid
661 Myoglobin, Urine
951 Manganese, Serum
BATHS Methylene Dioxpyrovalenone
BUPIV Bupivaraine (Marcaine)
M Miscellaneous Culture
MA Misc Anaerobe Culture
MABS Malaria Abs Igg
MAG3 Mag Ab, Western Blot
MALPCR Malaria Detection By Pcr
MANGB Manganese,Blood
MBPAB Myelin Basic Prot.Autoab,Ser
MCAD Med Chain Acyl Coa Dehydro Def
MDMA Mdma (Ecstasy)
MDMAB Mdma (Ecstasy), Blood
MEATF Meat Fibers-Stool
MEB Mebaral Panel
MEL Mellaril (Thioridazine)
MEPB Meperidine/Normeperidine,Serum
MERB Mercury,Blood
MERU Mercury,Urine
MET Metanephrines, Plasma
METACU Ceramide Trihex/Sulf Accum,Ua
METFO Metformin
METH Methadone, Urine
METHAMPS Methamphetamine, Serum
METHB Methemoglobin
METHBR Methemoglobin Reductase
METHCSF Methotrexate (Csf)
METHGC Methadone (Gc Quant),Serum
METHGCU Methadone And Metabolite, Ur
METHMS Methadone Meconium Screen
METHX Methotrexate
METNR Metanephrines,Fract,Random,Ua
MEX Mexiletine
MG Magnesium, Serum
MGA Myasthenia Gravis, Adult
MGAM Myas.Gravis-Achr Modulating Ab
MGL Myas.Gravis,Lamert-Eaton Synd
MGPED Myasthenia Gravis, Pediatric
MGT Myasthenia Gravis, Thymoma
MHCT Misc-Body Fld Hematocrit
MHGB Misc-Body Fld Hemoglobin
MIC8 Mic Of 8 Drugs + Combination
MICALB Microalbumin, Urine Profile
MICAZ Mic:Azithromycin
MICCL Mic:Clarithromycin
MICROF Micropolyspora Faeni,Igg
MIRT Mirtazapine (Remeron)
MISALB Miscellaneous Albumin
MISAMY Miscellaneous Amylase
MISCA Miscellaneous Calcium
MISCHOL Miscellaneous Cholesterol
MISCK Miscellaneous Creatine Kinase
MISCL Miscellaneous Chloride
MISCRN Miscellaneous Creatinine
MISGLU Miscellaneous Glucose
MISGLUQ Misc Qualitative Glucose
MISGOT Miscellaneous SGOT
MISGPT Miscellaneous SGPT
MISK Miscellaneous Potassium
MISLA Miscellaneous Lactic Acid
MISLD Miscellaneous Lactate Dehydrogenase
MISLIP Miscellaneous Lipase
MISMG Miscellaneous Magnesium
MISNA Miscellaneous Sodium
MISOSMO Miscellaneous Osmolality
MISP Miscellaneous Phosphorus
MISPH Miscellaneous pH
MISRA Miscellaneous Rheumatoid Factor
MISSG Misc Specific Gravity
MISTBIL Miscellaneous Total Bilirubin
MISTGL Miscellaneous Triglyceride
MISTP Miscellaneous Total Protein
MISUN Miscellaneous Urea Nitrogen
MISURAC Miscellaneous Uric Acid
MITO Mitogens-Lymph.Proliferation
MITOT Mitotane
MMAU Methylmalonic Acid,Urine Quant
MOLY Molybdenum,Serum
MONOPRU Monoclonal Protein Qt/24 Hr
MONOT Mono Test
MOR Moricizine (Ethmozine)
MORPH Morphine,Serum
MPC Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Culture
MPOAB Myeloperoxidase Ab (P-Anca)
MPS Morphological Peripheral Smear
MRSAPCR Mrsa Nasal Screen By Pcr
MRSAS Meth Resist Staph Aureus Scrn
MSDT Microsporidia Detection Stain
MSHB Met.& Sulf.Hemoglobin
MSNP11 Mo/Sens.Panel-Mag Ab,West Blot
MSSM Misc Smear/Gram Stain
MUCO Mucopolysaccharides,Quant,U
MUMPG Mumps Ab, Igg
MUSAT Muscular Atrophy-Dna Analysis
MUSCH Muscle Histochemistry
MVO2S Mix/Central Venous O2 Sat
MY1 Myco.Pneumoniae Dna Pcr-Source
MYCOA Mycophenolic Acid
MYCOH Mycoplasma Hominis Pcr
MYCRF M.Pneumoniae Ab Igm By Ifa
MYOAB Myocardial Antibodies-Serum
MYOG Myoglobin
MYOSAB Myositis Antibody Panel
MYPNPCR Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Dna,Pcr
RIT Ritalin(Methylphenidate),Serum
SOMA Soma(Carisoprodol)
URMAN Manganese,Urine