Test Code Test Name
KLEIW Kleihauer,Fetal Hgb/Interp
KLEI Kleihauer,Fetal Hgb Stain
66968 Fusarium moniliforme (m9) IgE [6696X]
FYIR Fungus Yeast Id Referred
FUNS Fungus Smear
FD Fungus Culture-Skin,Hair,Nails
FO Fungus Culture-Other
FB Fungus Culture-Blood
12220 Fungus Culture (Sterile Fluids)
36327 Fungitell® (1-3)--D-Glucan Assay, Endpoint
16283 Fungitell® (1-3)-ß-D-Glucan Assay
FUNGIT Fungitell Assay
18693 Fungal Stain, Calcofluor, Skin, Hair or Nails [14824X]
8627 Fungal Stain [8627X]
FUN Fungal Serology
16579 Fungal Sequencing, ITS Region
37699 Fungal Panel 3, Immunodiffusion
7578 Fungal Identification, Molds [39489X]
18335 Fungal Disease Antibody, CF (CSF)
39752 Fungal Antibody Panel, Serum
36563 Fungal Antibody Panel 2, ID and CF
4112 FTA-ABS
17029 FSHD Southern Blot Test
36176 FSH and LH, Pediatrics
36087 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), Pediatrics
7137 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone), Serum
470 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
29812 Fructose, Semen
8340 Fructosamine
FRUC Fructosamine
FAD Friedreich Ataxia Dna Test
115281 Friedreich Ataxia (FXN) Repeat Expansion Test
FT4 Free Thyroxine
FT3 Free T3
15072 Free Progesterone Profile
183191 Free Morphine, Bile (Postmortem only)
FLCH Free Light Chains, Serum
FFA Free Fatty Acids-Total,Serum
ESTDF Free Estradiol
FRAN Francisella Detection
16300 Fragile X DNA Analysis, Fetus
26500 Formic Acid, Serum/Plasma
17075 Formaldehyde/Formalin (k80) IgE**
FORM Formaldehyde
38141 Food Specific IgG Haddock
37334 Food Specific IgG Allergy Panel 2
49522 Food Panel #1
36763 Food and Tree Nut Allergy Panel with Reflex to Components
36762 Food and Tree Nut Allergy Panel
91682 Food Allergy Profile with Reflexes
10715 Food Allergy Profile [10715X]
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FOL Folate, Serum
FLUV Fluvoxamine (Luvox), Serum
FLUR Fluoride,Urine
FLUO Fluoride
FLUN Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) Urine
FLSM Fluid Smear/Gram Stain
FLD Fluid Culture
FLCRY Fluid Crystals
FLDA Fluid Anaerobe Culture
LLTIS Flow Cytometry-Tissue
LLPLFLD Flow Cytometry-Pleural Fluid
LLPB Flow Cytometry-Peripheral Bld
LLBM Flow Cytometry-Bone Marrow
FLOW Flow Cytometry Order
LLCSF Flow Cytometry Csf
FLEX Flexeril(Cyclobenzeprine)
FLFA Fletcher Factor Assay
FIFA Fitzgerald Factor Assay
FISHETIS Fish-Tissue
FISHEPB Fish-Peripheral Blood
FISHEBM Fish-Bone Marrow
FISHP Fish,Chromo Anomalies,Misc
FISH1P Fish,1P/19Q Deletion Gliomas
FILAB Filaria Igg4 Ab, Elisa
FIBAG Fibrinogen Antigen
FIB Fibrinogen
U3RNP Fibrillarin (U3Rnp)
KLEIM Fetomaternal Bleed,Flow Cytom
FRETIC Fetal Retic Count
FETSHCT Fetal Hct-Spun
FFN Fetal Fibronectin
FETHEMO Fetal CBC w/o Diff
FER Ferritin
FERN Fern Test
FENTS Fentanyl, Serum
FEL Felbamate(Felbatol)
FLF Fecal Lactoferrin
FEFAT Fecal Fat, Qualitative
FEB Febrile Agglutinins
FATAE Fatty Acid Profile,Essential
FATAC Fatty Acid Prof, Comprehensive
FATU Fat In Urine
FAPMUT Fap Mutation Screen
FANARF Fana W/Rflx To Ext.Nuclear Ags
FANTC Fana Titer Charge
FANA Fana Profile
FAMAR Familial Amyloidosis Dna Seq
FAMA Familial Amyloidosis
FX Factor X Activity Assay
FVIII Factor VIII Assay
APCR Factor V Leiden Scr (APCR)
FVL Factor V Leiden (R506Q) Mutat.
CMP Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
APTFH Apt Test/Fetal Hemoglobin