Test Code Test Name
113482 Allergy Shellfish Panel #1
15278 Allergy Southern Panel
142262 Allergy Tree Panel #6
142272 Allergy Weed Panel #6
54189 Allergy-Food Profile
42937 Allergy-General Food Profile + Total IgE
54387 Allergy-Grass Profile + Total IgE
55327 Allergy-Insect Venom Panel
44024 Allergy-Major Food Profile + Total IgE
54858 Allergy-Mold Profile + Total IgE
42978 Allergy-Stinging Insect Profile + Total IgE
28208 Almond (f20) IgE [2820X]
19123 Alpha 1-Antitrypsin, IHC with Interpretation [19123X]
19283 Alpha 1-Antitrypsin, IHC without Interpretation [19283X]
AFPTM Alpha Fetoprotein Tumor Marker
8658 Alpha Subunit
17307 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Quantitation and Mutation Analysis
535115 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Feces, 24 Hour [30523X]
535118 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Random Feces  [14628X]
17409 Alpha-Fetoprotein, CSF
19126 Alpha-Fetoprotein, IHC with Interpretation [19126X]
19285 Alpha-Fetoprotein, IHC without Interpretation [19285X]
17410 Alpha-Fetoprotein, Peritoneal Fluid
17555 Alpha-Fetoprotein, Pleural Fluid
11175 Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis
91711 Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis, Fetus
16124 Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication
16116 Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing
2851 Alpha-Lactalbumin (f76) IgE
21592 Alprazolam (Xanax), Serum [4741X]
BFALT ALT Body Fluid
27068 Alternaria alternata (m6) IgE [2706X]
114152 Alternative Complement Pathway Activity [14845X]
2958 Aluminum
13747 Aluminum, Random Urine [14452X]
37454 American Cockroach (i206) IgE**
236 Amikacin
8583 Amikacin, Trough
19779 Amino Acid Analysis for MSUD, Plasma