Test Code Test Name
10010 Torch Panel, Convalescent
10016 SureSwab® Advanced Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), TMA
10017CP Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Mutation with Reflexes
10018 Cyclospora and Isospora Examination
10019 Salmonella and Shigella, Culture
10019CP Cardio IQ® Panel (Client 58347)
10024 CD3, IHC with Interpretation
10027N IgM, IHC with Interpretation (10027X)
10028N IgD, IHC with Interpretation (10028X)
10029 SureSwab® Advanced Candida Vaginitis (CV)/Trichomonas vaginalis (TV), TMA
10033 FSH and LH, Timed (3 Samples), Pediatric (Client 8460, 6220)
10039CP Custom Opioid Therapy Panel, Urine (Client #6561, 58458)
10041 2,3-Dinor 11 Beta-Prostaglandin F2 Alpha, Random, Urine
10043CP Myasthenia Gravis Panel (Kaiser All)
10047CP Protein Electrophoresis, Random Urine with Reflex to IFE (Client 8767)
10055 FISH, Chromosome 20q Deletion
10061CP Inhalant Allergy Panel (Client 58305, 8871)
10063 Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) Antibody, with Reflex to MAG-SGPG and MAG, EIA
10064CP Principle Foods Allergy Panel (Client 58305, 8871)
10065CP Neonatal Hypoglycemia Panel (Client Sutter Hosp Grp)
10067CP Mycobacteria, Culture, with Reflex MTB Complex, PCR (Client 57357)
10068CP Lead (Venous) and Zinc Protoporphyrin (Client #58520)
10068N Catecholamines, Total, Suppression by Clonidine, Plasma (10068X)
10071CP Optimum T2X FEM Follow Up (Client 55838)
10072CP Optimum T Eval Female Panel (Client 55838)
10073CP Optimum T Female Follow Up (Client 55838)
10074CP Optimum T2X Male Follow Up (Client 55838)
10075CP Optimum T Eval Male Panel (Client 55838)
10076CP Optimum T Male Follow Up (Client 55838)
10077CP Food Allergy Panel (Client 55723)
10082CP Food Allergy Panel 2 (Client 55723)
10083CP BRAF Mutation Analysis with Reflex (Client 55258)
10083N C4 Activation Panel (35071X)
10084CP Inhalant Allergy Panel (Client 55723)
10085CP Drug Monitoring Quantitative Panel 1, Urine (58458, 6561)
10086CP Environmental Allergy Panel (Client 58066)
10087CP Food Allergy Panel (Client 58066)
10088CP Grasses Allergy Panel (Client 58066)
10089CP Nut Mix Allergy Panel IgE (Client 58066)
10090CP Fruit Allergy Panel (Client 58066)