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HIV-1/HIV-2 Antigen/Antibody
Test CodeHIV
CPT Codes
Preferred Specimen
Red top or Marble top SST Tube (serum), purple top (EDTA), green top (lithium or sodium heparin). If HIV-1/HIV-2 Antigen/Antibody test is reactive, EDTA plasma is required for the confirmation test. Spin specimen down and send 0.5 mL of serum or plasma.
Note: Indicate plasma or serum if aliquot tube is submitted.
Note: Indicate plasma or serum if aliquot tube is submitted.
Specimen Stability
Room temperature <24 hours
Refrigerate up to 7 days
Frozen ok
Refrigerate up to 7 days
Frozen ok
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Any specimen other than serum, EDTA, or heparinized plasma. Turbidity may affect assay results.
Setup Schedule
Monday through Sunday
Reference Range
Performed By
North Mississippi Medical Center Pathology Department
Performing Laboratory
NMMC Pathology Department