StoneRisk® Panel

Test Code

CPT Codes
82140, 82340, 82507, 82570, 83735, 83945, 83986, 84105, 84133, 84300, 84392, 84560<br><strong>This test code is for non-New York patient testing. For New York patient testing, the recommended alternative test code is 13811.</strong>

Ammonium Urine, Brushite, Calcium Oxalate, Calcium Urine, Citrate Urine, Creatinine Urine, Magnesium Urine, Oxalate Urine, pH Urine, Phosphorus Urine, Potassium Urine, Sodium Urate, Sodium Urine, Struvite, Sulfate Urine, Uric Acid, Uric Acid Urine

Preferred Specimen
60 mL plain urine and 50 mL acid urine - See Collection Instructions

Minimum Volume
30 mL plain urine • 30 mL acid urine

No Reference Range has been established for pediatric patients <14 years old.

Use only Quest 24-hour Urine Collection Kits (Mission Pharmacal) specific for renal stone formation diagnosis. Follow instructions in the kit. Test should not be ordered on patients taking lithium, as lithium can affect results. For additional information, please contact the Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute of SJC at 800-642-4657.

1) Upon completion of 24-hour collection in the large orange collection container, tighten the cap on the container and mix contents in the container vigorously for one minute. A good mix will ensure accurate test results.
2) Carefully fill the two white plastic vials with urine collected in the large orange container. The two white vials must be filled within two to four hours of completion of 24-hour collection. Fill and cap vials one at a time. Cap both vials tightly, write patient's name on each vial and place in zip-lock bags provided (do not remove absorbent sheets).
3) Complete the patient information section. (Patient's weight is no longer needed.)
4) Place specimen in mail-back box and mail to laboratory. DO NOT MAIL LARGE ORANGE COLLECTION CONTAINER.

For high urine output: Patient with a high urine output (>3.8 L) will require more than one large container. Collect urine in the first container until it is 3/4 full and then begin filling the second container to complete the 24-hour collection. Carefully follow steps 1-4 for each jug and mark one as box 1 of 2, the other box 2 of 2.

Note: Urine must only be collected and stored in the large orange collection container.

Do not remove sponge from the orange collection container
Do not remove wool from the white container
Do not collect the first urination at the beginning of 24-hour collection
During collection process, store large orange container in a cool location

Transport Container
Urine collection container

Transport Temperature
Room temperature

Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 10 days
Refrigerated: 10 days
Frozen: Unacceptable

Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrophotometry • Immunochemiluminometric Assay • Spectrophotometry (SP) • Calculation

FDA Status
This test was developed and its analytical performance characteristics have been determined by Quest Diagnostics. It has not been cleared or approved by the FDA. This assay has been validated pursuant to the CLIA regulations and is used for clinical purposes.

Setup Schedule
Set up: Mon-Sat; Report available: 4-6 days

Reference Range
See Laboratory Report

Clinical Significance
StoneRisk® Panel is for stone formers with a positive urine culture indicating urinary tract infection (UTI), also for recurrent stone formers or when attending physician deems it medically necessary for the patient to have comprehensive metabolic evaluation.

Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute-San Juan Capistrano, CA
33608 Ortega Highway
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-2042

The CPT Codes provided in this document are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed. Any Profile/panel component may be ordered separately. Reflex tests are performed at an additional charge.