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Platelet Antibody, Direct (IgG)
Test Code91740
CPT Codes
86023<br /> **This test is not available for New York patient testing**
Preferred Specimen
10 mL whole blood collected in an ACD solution A (yellow-top) tube
Minimum Volume
5 mL
Other Acceptable Specimens
Whole blood collected in: ACD solution B (yellow-top) tube
Collect 10 mL of whole blood in ACD (yellow-top) tube. Transport at room temperature immediately after
Transport Temperature
Room temperature
Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 72 hours
Refrigerated: Unacceptable
Frozen: Unacceptable
Refrigerated: Unacceptable
Frozen: Unacceptable
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Hemolysis • Lipemia • Clotted specimens • Received refrigerated • Received frozen • Icteric
Flow Cytometry (FC)
FDA Status
This test was developed and its performance characteristics have been determined by Quest Diagnostics. It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA has determined that such clearance or approval is not necessary. Performance characteristics refer to the analytical performance of the test.
Setup Schedule
Set up: Daily; Report available: 3-4 days
Reference Range
Clinical Significance
Platelet associated IgG, IgA, and IgM (PAIgG, PAIgM, PAIgA) detection is useful in identifying immune-mediated platelet destruction. Elevated PAIgG is associated with autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) as well as thrombocytopenia in systemic lupus erythromatous (SLE), carcinoma, HIV, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute-San Juan Capistrano, CA |
33608 Ortega Highway |
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-2042 |