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Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) 12 Antibodies Panel 2
Test Code94685
CPT Codes
86235 (x10), 84182 (x2)
Scl-70, CENP-A, CENP-B, RP11, RP155, U1-snRNP RNP A, U1-snRNP RNP C, U1-snRNP RNP-70kd, Fibrillarin, Th/To, PM/Scl-100, PM/Scl-75
Preferred Specimen
0.5 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.3 mL
Transport Temperature
Room temperature
Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 7 days
Refrigerated: 14 days
Frozen: 21 days
Refrigerated: 14 days
Frozen: 21 days
Line Blot
FDA Status
This test was developed and its analytical performance characteristics have been determined by Quest Diagnostics. It has not been cleared or approved by FDA. This assay has been validated pursuant to the CLIA regulations and is used for clinical purposes.
Setup Schedule
Set up: Tues, Thurs, Sat; Report available: 3-5 days
Reference Range
See Laboratory Report
Clinical Significance
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by vascular abnormalities, and cutaneous and visceral fibrosis. Some antibodies are considered highly specific for SSc, including Scl-70 (anti-topoisomerase 1) antibody, anti-centromere (CENP) antibodies, and anti-RNA polymerase III antibody and are classification criteria for disease defined by the American College of Rheumatology. Centromere antibodies are found in patients with a limited form of cutaneous systemic sclerosis, "CREST" syndrome, a complex of subcutaneous calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasias. RNA polymerase III antibodies target RNAP III epitopes 11 and 155. Antibodies to three major components of U1-snRNP (snRNP RNP A, U1-snRNP RNP C, U1-snRNP RNP-70kd): U1- are associated with scleroderma and inflammatory myopathy overlap syndromes. Anti-fibrillarin (anti-U3RNP) antibodies are associated with diffuse cutaneous SSc, frequent visceral involvement, and especially renal and cardiac involvement. In African-American patients, anti-fibrillarin antibodies are associated with severe pulmonary disease, pulmonary hypertension, severe small bowel involvement, and a poor prognosis. Anti-Th/To antibodies primarily bind to two proteins of the mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP) and the ribonuclease P complexes, are present in 1-13% of SSc patients, and are rarely found in other diseases. Anti-Th/To antibodies are primarily associated with localized cutaneous scleroderma, and associated with pericarditis, interstitial lung disease and a high frequency of “intrinsic pulmonary hypertension, and a poorer prognosis. Autoantibodies to PM/Scl, the human exosome complex, are found in polymyositis/scleroderma overlap syndromes. The majority of anti-PM/Scl reactivity is directed to one of two proteins: PM/Scl100 and/or PM-Scl75.
Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute-San Juan Capistrano, CA |
33608 Ortega Highway |
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-2042 |