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Semen Analysis
Test CodeSEA
CPT Codes
Preferred Specimen
Specimen must be delivered to the laboratory between 7
a.m. and 10 a.m.
Collect entire semen specimen in a sterile container or a
wide-mouth glass container. Collection should follow a period
of sexual abstinence of 3 days. A minimum of 0.5 mL of semen is
required. Specimen must be kept warm (close to body temperature)
during transport.
Note: Semen Analysis Information
Form in Special Instructions must be completed on all
specimens submitted.
a.m. and 10 a.m.
Collect entire semen specimen in a sterile container or a
wide-mouth glass container. Collection should follow a period
of sexual abstinence of 3 days. A minimum of 0.5 mL of semen is
required. Specimen must be kept warm (close to body temperature)
during transport.
Note: Semen Analysis Information
Form in Special Instructions must be completed on all
specimens submitted.
Transport Temperature
Ambient/Refrigerate NO/Frozen NO
Hemocytometer/Microscopic Exam
Setup Schedule
Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
Reference Range
Total volume: 1.5-5.0 mL
pH: 7.0-8.3
Viscosity: normal
Count: 20-160 million/mL
Liquefaction: complete within 60 minutes
Motility: 50% with a rating of 3+ - 4+
Morphology: >50% normal forms
Color: light gray to white
Performed By
North Mississippi Medical Center Pathology Department
Performing Laboratory
NMMC Pathology Department