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Cryoglobulin CS
For all Outpatient collections, please call Client Services at (205) 592-5706 for collection instructions.
Test Code
Alias/See Also
Preferred Specimen
Minimum Volume
1mL Plasma, 2mL Serum
Both plasma and serum are required for this assay.|Plasma|Draw blood in a lavender-top (EDTA) tube. Tube must remain at 37 C. Centrifuge at 37 C. It is very important that the specimen remain at 37 C until after separation of plasma from the red cell. Place 1 mL of EDTA plasma into plastic vial. Label specimen appropriately (plasma).|Serum|Draw blood in a plain, red-top tube. SST tube is not acceptable. Tube must remain at 37 C. Allow blood to clot at 37 C for approximately 1 hour in a 37 C heat bath or block. Centrifuge at 37 C. It is very important that the specimen remain at 37 C until after separation of serum from the red cells. Place 5 mL of serum into plastic vial.|Note: Analysis cannot be performed with <2 mL or serum. Smaller volumes are insufficient to detect clinically important trace (mixed) cryoglobulins. Less than 2 mL will require drawing a new specimen. Label specimen appropriately (serum).
Transport Container
Transport Temperature
Body Temperature
Setup Schedule
Monday through Sunday
Reference Range
Both Genders, Age Range 0-150 Years, Normal Negative @ 24 HR
Performed By