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Ova and Parasites, Concentrate and Permanent Smear [681X]
Test CodeCPT Codes
87177, 87209
Preferred Specimen
Patient Preparation
Interfering substances-bismuth, barium (wait 7-10 days), antimicrobial agents (wait 2 weeks), gall bladder dye (wait 3 weeks after procedure).
Minimum Volume
Other Acceptable Specimens
Note: Tissue samples should be sent to pathology.
Stool: Place fresh stool in single Total-Fix transport vial or 10% formalin transport vial, as well as PVA transport medium, within 30 minutes of collection. Add stool to bring the liquid level to the "fill to here" line on the vial. Mix well. Send specimen(s) at room temperature in the same shipping container.
If parasite infestation is strongly suspected, collect at least 3 stool specimens every other day, since a single specimen can be negative. If Giardia is strongly suspected, please see Giardia Antigen, EIA, Stool.
Urine: Urine may be submitted unpreserved for exam for Schistosoma. Collect at mid-day. Peak egg secretion occurs between noon and 3 p.m. Do not submit first morning specimen. In patients with hematuria, eggs may be found trapped in blood and mucous in the terminal portion (last-voided portion) of the urine specimen.
Sputum: The specimen should be a deep expectorated sputum, preferably collected in the early morning. A 24-hour sputum collection is also acceptable. Submit in a sterile, screw-cap container, unpreserved or in 10% formalin to increase stability.
Transport Temperature
Unpreserved specimens: Refrigerated (cold packs)
Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 30 days
Refrigerated: 30 days
Frozen: Unacceptable
Urine, Sputum, BAL (unpreserved)
Room temperature: Unacceptable
Refrigerated: 48 hours
Frozen: Unacceptable
Sputum, BAL (preserved)
Room temperature: 30 days
Refrigerated: 30 days
Frozen: Unacceptable
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Microscopic Examination of Concentrate • Permanent Stained Smear
Setup Schedule
Reference Range
Clinical Significance
Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
14225 Newbrook Drive
Chantilly, VA 20153