Test Code Test Name
PREG Pregnancy, Quantitative - Serum
LFT Hepatic Function Profile
HSCRP CRP, High Sensitivity - Cardiac
HIV12QS HIV 1/2 Antibodies Quick Screen
HGLB Hemoglobin
HEPATITIS Hepatitis Profile (A,B and C)
HDL HDL Cholesterol
HCRT Hematocrit
HCAB Hepatitis C Antibody
HBSAG Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
HBSAB Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
HBCMAB Hepatitis B core IgM Antibody
HAVMAB Hepatitis A IgM Antibody
HA1C Hemoglobin A1C
H&H Hemoglobin & Hematocrit
BHCGT HCG (beta) - Tumor Marker
91212 Histoplasma Galactomannan Antigen, Urine
90249 Histoplasma capsulatum DNA, Real-Time PCR
90138 Hu, Yo, and Ri Antibodies with Reflex to Titers and Western Blot
841 Herpes Simplex Virus Culture [2692X]
8369 Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
7655 Heavy Metals Panel (Venous)
7507 Heavy Metals Panel, Urine
556 Hepatitis Be Antibody
555 Hepatitis Be Antigen
528 HLA-B27 Antigen
518 Hemosiderin Stain, Urine
514 Hemoglobin, Free, Plasma
502 Haptoglobin
501 Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total
414 Heparin-Induced Platelet Antibody
40085 HIV-1 RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
37053 Hu Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer and Western Blot
36734 HSP-70 Antibody (Anti-68 kd Antigen)
36586 Histamine, Plasma
36582 Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Antibody (IgM)
36438 Heavy Metals Panel, 24-Hour Urine
36175 HTLV-I/II Antibody, with Reflex to Confirmatory Assay
34838 Helicobacter pylori Antigen, EIA, Stool
31789 Homocysteine
30292 Heparin Anti-Xa
27128 House Dust (Hollister-Stier) (h2) IgE [2712X]
27118 House Dust (Greer) (h1) IgE [2711X]
17396 HLA-B High Resolution
16001 Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR
15485 HLA-DR/DQ Low Resolution
15463 HLA-C Low Resolution
15085 Hepatitis E Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
14978 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Screen
14839 Helicobacter pylori, Urea Breath Test [14839X]
119222 Herpes Simplex Virus (1, 2) IgG Antibody Differentiation
119202 Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) Antibody (IgM) [35664X]
10950 HLA-B Low Resolution