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Treponema pallidum Antibody, Particle Agglutination : 653
Test CodeTRABPA or 653
Alias/See Also
T. pallidum Ab, TP-PA,Agglutination (TP-PA) Test
CPT Codes
Preferred Specimen
Transport Container
Preferred Specimen
1 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.5 mL
1 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.5 mL
Transport Temperature
Room temperature.
Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 7 days; Refrigerated: 7 days; Frozen: 30 days
Particle Agglutination
Setup Schedule
Report Available
1 day
Reference Range
Clinical Significance
The TP-PA test is designed to be used as an aid in the confirmation of antibodies to the treponemal organisms that cause syphilis. Other diseases such as yaws or pinta give positive results.
Performing Laboratory
med fusion