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Treponema pallidum Antibody (FTA-ABS), Serum : 4112
Test CodeTPIGG or 4112
Alias/See Also
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody, FTA, FTA Serum, Syphilis Confirmation Test, TPA SUB, Treponemal Antibody Fluorescent FTA
CPT Codes
Serum separator tube.
Transport Container
Centrifuge serum separator tube and transport, 1 mL serum (Min: 0.2 mL).
Transport Temperature
Specimen Stability
After separation from cells: Ambient: 7 days; Refrigerated: 14 days; Frozen: 30 days
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Gross hemolysis. Gross lipemia.
Immunofluorescent Assay (IFA)
Setup Schedule
Tuesday - Saturday
Report Available
1-3 days (From receipt at performing laboratory)
Reference Range
Clinical Significance
The FTA-ABS is a specific treponemal assay to detect antibody to T. Pallidum. The FTA-ABS becomes reactive 4-6 weeks after infection. Unlike the nontreponemal tests, once the FTA-ABS test becomes reactive, it will remain reactive for many years. Since the reactivity found with the FTA-ABS does not indicate response to therapy, it is not suitable for monitoring treatment. The FTA-ABS test does not distinguish between syphillis and other treponematoses such as yaws, pinta and bejil.
Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics