Test Code Test Name
* Haemophilus influenza Ag LA
* HCG Qualitative Serum
* HCG Qual Urine
* HCG Gonadatropin Quant
* HCG Tumor Marker
* Heavy Metals Panel Blood
* Helicobacter pylori Antibody (IgM)
* H.pylori IgG Antibody EIA
* Hemoglobin A1c
* Hemoglobinopathy Evaluation
* Heparin Induced Antibody-PF4 (HIT-Ab)
* Hepatitis A Antibody IgM
* Hepatitis A Antibody Total
* Hepatitis Acute Panel
* Hepatitis B Core Antibody IgM
* Hepatitis B Core Antibody Total
* Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb)
* Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg)
* Hepatitis B Virus DNA Quant Real-Time PCR
* Hepatitis Be Antibody
* Hepatitis Be Antigen
* Hepatitis C Antibody (HCV)
* Hepatitis C Genotype
* Hepatitis C Viral RNA Quant Real-Time PCR
* Herpes by PCR
* Herpes Simplex Culture (HSV)
* Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 (IgG)
* Histone Antibody IgG
* Histoplasma Antibody Complement
* Histoplasma Antigen Serum
* HIV 1&2 Antigen and Antibody, 4th Gen
* HIV-1 RNA Quan Real-Time PCR
* HLA B27 Typing
* Homocysteine
* HTLV I & II Antibodies
* Human Growth Hormone
* Human Papillomavirus DNA Probe
* Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Panel
* Hepatic Function Panel (Liver Panel)
* H Pylori Breath Test
* Hemoglobin S Evaluation
* Helicobacter pylori Antigen EIA
* Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 & 2 DNA Quant Realtime PCR
10247 Huntington Disease Mutation Analysis
142125P Hepatitis E Antibody (IgM) (36582X)
15085X Hepatitis E Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
16185 HIV-1 RNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
16186 HIV-1 RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR, CSF
16838 Histamine Release (Chronic Urticaria)
2692 Herpes Simplex Virus Culture
2817X Hazel Nut (F17) IgE
30292 Heparin, Anti-Xa
34257 Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 1 and 2 DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR
34282 Herpesvirus 6 Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
34838 Helicobacter pylori Antigen, EIA, Stool
34949 HIV-1 Genotype
35079 Hereditary Hemochromatosis DNA Mutation Analysis
35489 Hemoglobinopathy Evaluation
35645 Hepatitis C Viral RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
3640 Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (IgG), Type-Specific Antibody
36438 Heavy Metals Panel, 24-Hour Urine
36504 Hepatitis A Antibody, Total with Reflex to IgM
36734Z HSP-70 Antibody (Anti-68 kd Antigen)
37053 Hu Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer and Western Blot
37053 Hu Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer and Western Blot
40085 HIV-1 RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
498 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen with Reflex Confirmation
501 Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total
502 Haptoglobin
508 Hepatitis A Antibody, Total
514 Hemoglobin, Free, Plasma
528 HLA-B27 Antigen
555 Hepatitis Be Antigen
556 Hepatitis Be Antibody
564 Haloperidol
61382N Helminthosporium halodes (M8) IgE (6711X)
6447 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (IgG), Type-Specific Antibodies
68429N Halibut (F303) IgE (2998X)
8369 Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
8472 Hepatitis C Antibody with Reflex to HCV, RNA, Quantitative, Real-Time PCR
8475 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Immunity, Quantitative
90138 Hu, Yo, and Ri Antibodies with Reflex to Titers and Western Blot
91212 Histoplasma Galactomannan Antigen, Urine
92549 HLA-DQ Typing for Narcolepsy
938 Histoplasma Antibody, Complement Fixation, Serum