A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total
Test Code501
Alias/See Also
CPT Codes
Preferred Specimen
1 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.5 mL
Other Acceptable Specimens
Plasma collected in: EDTA (lavender-top) tube
Dietary supplements containing biotin may interfere in assays and may skew analyte results to be either falsely high or falsely low. For patients receiving the recommended daily doses of biotin, draw samples at least 8 hours following the last biotin supplementation. For patients on mega-doses of biotin supplements, draw samples at least 72 hours following the last biotin supplementation.
Transport Container
Serum separator tube (SST)
Transport Temperature
Room temperature
Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 5 days
Refrigerated: 14 days
Frozen: 30 days
Refrigerated: 14 days
Frozen: 30 days
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Gross hemolysis • Grossly lipemic
Immunoassay (IA)
Setup Schedule
Report Available
2-4 days
Results obtained from immunosuppressed patients should be interpreted with caution. Patients receiving mouse antibody therapy may produce false-negative results. False-positives may be detected shortly after immunication to influenza and with patients with hypergammalobulinemia, positive rheumatoid factor, and connective tissue disorders.
Reference Range
Clinical Significance
This assay does not distinguish between Total B Core Antibody IgG and IgM detected before or at the onset of symptoms; however, such reactivity can persist for years after illness, and may even outlast anti-HBS. Occasionally Hepatitis B Core Antibody may be the only marker of either current or past Hepatitis B infection. HBV vaccination leads to development of HBsAb but not to HBcAb.