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Myriad Foresight Fundamental Plus Panel, Fundamental Panel (13 conditions)
Test CodeLAB10237
Alias/See Also
- Alpha Thalassemia (HBA1/HBA2)
- Bloom Syndrome (BLM)
- Canavan Disease (ASPA)
- Cystic Fibrosis (CFTR)
- Dystrophinopathies (including Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy) (DMD)
- Familial Dysautonomia (ELP1 formerly IKBKAP) (IKBKAP)
- Fanconi Anemia, Type C (FANCC)
- Gaucher Disease (GBA)
- Hb Beta Chain-Related Hemoglobinopathy (including Beta Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease) (HBB)
- Hexosaminidase A Deficiency (including Tay-Sachs Disease) (HEXA)
- Mucolipidosis IV (MCOLN1)
- Niemann-Pick Disease, SMPD1-Associated (SMPD1)
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMN1)
Preferred Specimen
Blood: Lavender EDTA tube, whole blood (4.0 mL) (provided in the Myriad Blood Kit)
Minimum Volume
Blood: 1.0 mL
Saliva: fill line of Oragene tube (not including bubbles)
Saliva: fill line of Oragene tube (not including bubbles)
Other Acceptable Specimens
Saliva: 1-Oragene tube (provided in the Myriad Saliva Kit)
- Do NOT eat, drink (not even water), smoke, chew gum, or brush your teeth for at least 30 minutes prior to collecting your sample.
- Provide saliva to the fill line (not including bubbles).
- Close the lid to add buffer to the tube before changing the cap.
Specimen Stability
Room Temperature: 48 hrs
Refrigerated: 2 weeks
Room Temperature: Stable one year or manufacture's expiration date on Oragene tube, whichever comes first.
Room Temperature: 48 hrs
Refrigerated: 2 weeks
Room Temperature: Stable one year or manufacture's expiration date on Oragene tube, whichever comes first.