Test Code Test Name
BFCNT Cell Count and Diff, Fluid (Body Fluid Cell Count and Diff,Fluid Cell Count and Diff)
BILID Bilirubin Direct
BILIP Bilirubin Panel
BILIT Bilirubin Total
BKETO Beta-hydroxybutyric Acid (Ketone, Beta hydroxybutyrate, BHBA)
BM Bone Marrow Workup
BMP Basic Metabolic Panel
BMPA Basic Metabolic Panel w/Anion Gap
CA Calcium
CA125 CA-125
CARBA Carbamazepine Level (TEGRETOL)
CBCM CBC With Differential (Manual) (Hemogram with Diff,Complete Blood Count w/Manual Diff)
CBCND CBC With Platelet No Differential (Hemogram,HGM,CBC No Diff)
CBCWD CBC With Platelet and Differential (Hemogram with Diff,Complete Blood Count with Diff)
CGLU CSF Glucose
CHOL Cholesterol
CK CK (Creatine Kinase)
CK1 CK, Reflex CKMB if greater than 100 (Creatine Kinase)
CK8 CK, Reflex CKMB if greater than 800 (Creatine Kinase)
CKMB CK MB Fraction
CL Chloride
CLIN Clinitest (Reducing substances urine)
CMCFP CMC Food Allergen Panel
CMCFR CMC Fruit Allergen Panel
CMCHP CMC Hymenoptera Allergen Panel
CMCLP CMC Legume Allergen Panel
CMCNE CMC Northeast Region Allergen Panel 23
CMCNP CMC Nut Allergen Panel
CMCPE CMC Pediatric Food - Environment Panel
CMCRP CMC Respiratory Allergen Panel 8 (Respiratory Allergy Panel )
CMCSP CMC Seed Allergen Panel
CMCSS CMC Seafood/Shellfish Allergen Panel
CMCVP CMC Vegetable Allergen Panel
CMP Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMET)
CMPA Comprehensive Metabolic Panel w/Anion Gap
CO2 CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
CORD Cord Blood Eval.
CORS ACTH/Cosyntropin Stimulation Panel (Cortisol Stimulation Panel,Cosyntropin Stimulation Panel)