A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
Encephalitis Antibody Panel, CSF
Test CodeENABC
Alias/See Also
CPT Codes
86727 (x2), 86765 (x2), 86735 (x2), 86787 (x2), 86788, 86789, 86695, 86696<br><strong>This test is not available for New York patient testing.</strong>
Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 (IgG) Type Antibody, CSF
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM) Virus (IgG, IgM) Antibody, IFA, CSF
Measles (Rubeola) (IgG, IgM) Antibody Panel, IFA, CSF
Mumps Antibody Panel, IFA, CSF
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibodies (Total, IgM), ACIF/IFA, CSF
West Nile Virus Antibodies (IgG, IgM), CSF
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM) Virus (IgG, IgM) Antibody, IFA, CSF
Measles (Rubeola) (IgG, IgM) Antibody Panel, IFA, CSF
Mumps Antibody Panel, IFA, CSF
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibodies (Total, IgM), ACIF/IFA, CSF
West Nile Virus Antibodies (IgG, IgM), CSF
Preferred Specimen
5 mL CSF collected in a sterile leak-proof container
Minimum Volume
1.7 mL
Transport Container
Sterile leak-proof container
Transport Temperature
Refrigerated (cold packs)
Specimen Stability
Room temperature: 4 days
Refrigerated: 7 days
Frozen: 30 days
Refrigerated: 7 days
Frozen: 30 days
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Gross hemolysis • Grossly icteric
See individual tests
Setup Schedule
Set up and Report available: See individual tests
Report Available
See individual tests; allow an additional two (2) days for transport to the performing laboratory.
Reference Range
See individual tests
Clinical Significance
This panel may assist in identifying infectious agents causing encephalitis or meningoencephalitis.
Performing Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute-San Juan Capistrano, CA |
33608 Ortega Highway |
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-2042 |
Last Updated: March 18, 2024