

Test Code

CPT Codes
87015, 87207

Test includes qualitative report of Cyclospora and Cystoisospora Oocysts. If Cryptosporidium is observed it will be reported by note detection by EIA is a more sensitive and recommended assay.

Preferred Specimen
SAF fixative vial

Minimum Volume
5 mL feces

Other Acceptable Specimens
or Sterile Container

Specimen Stability
Preserved stool: room temperature up to 2 days

Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Stool preserved in Plyvinyl alcohol (PVA)

Modified (Partial) Acid Fast Stain and microscopic observation.

Setup Schedule
M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Sun

Clinical Significance
For the identification of Cyclospora and Cystoisospora oocysts as a cause of infectious gastroenteritis

Performed By
Alverno Laboratories

Performing Laboratory
Alverno Central Lab  
NMIC (Microbiology)

Last Updated: April 25, 2023

The CPT Codes provided in this document are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed. Any Profile/panel component may be ordered separately. Reflex tests are performed at an additional charge.