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MessageErythropoietin is prone to diurnal variation. Best practice is to collect samples at a consistent time of day and recommended between 07:30 - 12:00 (noon). Centrifuge sample within 2 hours of collection.
Test Code
Alias/See Also
CPT Codes
Preferred Specimen
1 Gold tube (gel separator)
Minimum Volume
0.5 mL
Other Acceptable Specimens
1 Green tube (Lithium Heparin)
Centrifuge for complete separation of plasma or serum and red cells within 2 hours of collection.
Transport Temperature
Specimen Stability
- 2-8°C up to 5 days
- 15-30°C up to 8 hours
- Frozen samples are stable
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
Chemiluminescent immunoassay
Setup Schedule
M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Sun
Report Available
Within 24 hours of receipt at the performing laboratory.
Reference Range
2.59-18.50 mIU/ml
Clinical Significance
Elevated levels of serum EPO occur in patients with anemias due to increased red cell destruction, in hemolytic anemia, and also in secondary Polycythemias, and by certain renal and extrarenal tumors.
Performed By
Alverno Laboratories
Performing Laboratory
Alverno Central Lab
NCHB2 (Chemistry, Beckman DxI)
Last Updated: June 19, 2023