A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
MessageWhole blood can be submitted refrigerated within 24 hours of collection. If plasma is to be frozen, it MUST be centrifuged within 4 hours of collection.
Test Code
Alias/See Also
D-dimer; d dimer
CPT Codes
Preferred Specimen
1 Blue tube (Sodium Citrate)
Minimum Volume
1 mL plasma
Other Acceptable Specimens
Transport Temperature
Refrigerated whole blood or frozen plasma
Specimen Stability
Whole blood:
- Stable 15-30°C up to 24 hours
- 2-8ºC up to 24 hours
- -24°C to -74°C up to 24 months IF plasma is frozen within 4 hours of collection
Reject Criteria (Eg, hemolysis? Lipemia? Thaw/Other?)
The following conditions will cause a rejected sample:
- Lavender top tube
- Underfilled blue top tube
- Lipemia
Setup Schedule
M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Sun
Report Available
Within 24 hours of receipt at the performing laboratory. Stat testing is available.
Reference Range
<= 500 ng FEU/mL (fibrinogen equivalent units/mL)
Clinical Significance
This test is FDA cleared to rule out DVT and PE when used in conjunction with a non-high clinical probability assessment.
Performed By
Alverno Laboratories
Performing Laboratory
Alverno Central Lab
NHMC (Hematology, IL Coag)
Additional Information
BD Vacutainer Plus Blue Top Volume Guide
Last Updated: June 8, 2023