Test Code Test Name
17900 Factor V (Leiden) Mutation Analysis
17909 Prothrombin (Factor II) 20210G>A Mutation Analysis
17911 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR), DNA Mutation Analysis
19546 Bile Acids, Pregnancy
19548 Metanephrines, Fractionated, Free, LC/MS/MS, Plasma
19767 Drug Abuse Screen 7, with Confirmation, Serum
19774 HLA-B*5701 Typing
19865 HPV Genotypes 16 and 18, Cervical
19894 DHEA, (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Unconjugated
206 Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody
211 ACTH, Plasma
21130 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibody (IgM)
22060 Lamotrigine
22621 Cortisol, Total [367X]
23068 Timothy Grass (g6) IgE
23244 Estrone
24018 Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) IgE [2401X]
24038 Giant Ragweed (Tall) (w3) IgE [2403X]
24118 Russian Thistle (w11) IgE [2411X]
24148 Rough Pigweed (w14) IgE [2414X]
24168 Rough Marsh Elder (w16) IgE [2416X]
24188 Sheep Sorrel (w18) IgE [2418X]
249 ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern
25018 Maple (Box Elder) (t1) IgE [2501X]
25068 Mountain Cedar (t6) IgE [2506X]
25078 Oak (t7) IgE [2507X]
25088 Elm (t8) IgE [2508X]
25108 Walnut Tree, Californian (t10) IgE [2510X]
25118 Sycamore (t11) IgE [2511X]
25148 Cottonwood (t14) IgE [2514X]
25158 White Ash (t15) IgE [2515X]
252299 Hickory/Pecan Tree (t22) IgE [2522X]
2555 Sweet Potato (f54) IgE
2570 White Mulberry (t70) IgE [2570X]
26018 Cat Dander (e1) IgE [2601X]
26058 Dog Dander (e5) IgE [2605X]
260689 Guinea Pig Epithelia (e6) IgE [2606X]
26088 Cashew Nut (f202) IgE [2608X]
26474 Acetylcholine Receptor Modulating Antibody
26474 Acetylcholine Receptor Modulating Antibody